The Word? He’s on the trail of something, I suspect.

Welcome to Random Word Vacation
Day Four

Random Word: Inspector

The first image that always appears in my mind is the very funny and talented Peter Sellers. Who could ever forget his performances as Chief Inspector Jacques Clouseau in the Pink Panther movies?

The movies always popped up on TV when I was a kid, and I’m not sure if it was the movie I liked or the fact that The Pink Panther would traipse around on the screen during the opening and final credits.

But Peter Sellers was iconic in that role. Hilarious. Classic.

The other part I loved was his sidekick Kato Fong and the unannounced attacks, largely at the expense of the unknowing Inspector. Yes, I loved Kato in Pink Panther. Right up until Kato Kaelin came along in 1994 during the OJ Simpson murders. He sort of ruined things for me with the same name kind of thing.

Although, during that modern-day horrific crime, they could have used a good inspector or two. Maybe even someone like Clouseau to thwart the evil culprit.

And that is what I know, and don’t know, about the word inspector.



A note about The Random Word Vacation

Yes, a brief break from the daily grind of this blog.
Possibly for the next few days or more, depending on my mental vacation need.
Instead, I am given a random word at
And I will write something about it. The rule is, that I have to use the first word I get from the generator. No excuses. No substitutes.

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