Again, with the small and amazing

I’m not going to bore you very long with Quantum Mechanics today.

But I am amazed, daily, by the things I’m learning about how the world works on very small levels.  Everywhere.

It all goes on inside of us.
In that phone you are holding.
And in the cat sitting next to you, the car you drove to the grocery, and the freezer where the Ben and Jerry ice cream was. 

All the little atoms, with all their little up quarks and down quarks, are spinning and moving and doing backflips. Right now.  Inside of me. Inside of you.

The thing that makes me ponder so much is how they all have these incredible properties. 
Like, they are able to be in two places at once. 

So why doesn’t this same ability translate when all those quarks get together to make up “Big Us?”
Since we are constructed of those things, why don’t we humans have the same properties as all the little quarks inside of us?


Do we?


“The unknown is a place of opportunity, where we can redefine ourselves and our possibilities.”
— James Watson


“To venture into the unknown is to find new beginnings and possibilities.”
— Richard Feynman


“The unknown is where magic happens, where possibilities become realities.”
— Nikola Tesla


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