So. That morning, Chris wakes up and puts on his very best outfit. I’m not sure which one that might have been, as they all sort of look alike to me. But let’s call it the red number, the one where the jacket and hat match, and the wide, cream-colored sash. Anyway, he gets all dressed up that morning and heads to the palace.
He’s calling on King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain. Of course, they are old friends by now, and Isabella, who by the way is known as the first “Queen of Spain,” has quite the laundry list for Señor Columbus. You see, they are also known as the “Catholic Monarchs,” and they are wishing Chris will spread the news.
So Christopher enters and, bows, and stands respectfully before them. And they say to him, in Spanish, “Hola! Como Estas?” Once the pleasantries are out of the way, they get down to brass tacks.
And it was on this date, April 17, 1492, when Christopher Columbus signed a contract with those Spanish monarchs to find the “Indies.” In that agreement was the stated goal of converting as many people to Catholicism as possible. And if he so chooses to accept this mission, it promises him 10% of all riches found and the governorship of any lands encountered.
Here are two things. It was a pretty good deal for Christopher. And. You never, ever, refuse the King and Queen of anywhere. They snack on a tray of empanadas and wash them down with Sangria. And then, it wasn’t long until he got in his boat, off to ruin the western hemisphere forever and ever.
So what is it about people wanting to “convert” other people to their religion? This has happened time and again throughout history. Each day, as I read the barrage of “historical” entries, there are always a few, at least, recounting the stories of Jews being banished, Muslims vs. Christians, conflicts between Protestants and Catholics, Popes decrying this, and Kings banning that.
Hundreds of wars being fought over whose god is right. Or wrong.
I wonder how many lives have been lost in the name of god.
Still, today it goes on. You see people “damning” others on Facebook, mostly under the guise of political affiliation, but the underlying root is religion.
There are people who continue to go door-to-door, with pamphlets in hand, spreading their good news.
Not too long ago, I attended a funeral, and the minister was trying to convert people to Christianity, to save them, right there on the spot.
I’m not going to write about how I think it goes, the existence of god, the being, the power. Or not. And the reason? Because I don’t know. In fact, none of us know for sure. Some say they do, but they don’t. We all have our ideas and our speculations. But, they go without irrefutable proof.
Which leads me back to the question. How can you fight over something you don’t know about for sure. And, even in this case, in the case of “a god.” Let’s say you did know without a doubt. Let’s say you did have certitude in this. Why would you fight then? Because your god wants you to? To kill someone who doesn’t follow your god?
If that were the case, I’d tear up my membership card on the spot. I’d give back my decoder ring and forget the secret handshake, I’ll tell you. That wouldn’t be the god for me. I’d rather pay homage to a box of Honey Nut Cheerios.
I didn’t intend to go down this path, but when I heard of Christopher Columbus’ 10% coupon for conversion, well, it struck a chord. This whole religion conversion thing. OMG.
All I know is it is my job to go on my merry way. And to let others go on theirs. And if by chance we meet? Let’s whisper words of wisdom. Let it be.
“Anyone who thinks sitting in church can make you a Christian must also think that sitting in a garage can make you a car.”
― Garrison Keillor
“Religion is like a pair of shoes…..Find one that fits for you, but don’t make me wear your shoes.”
― George Carlin
“God has no religion.”
― Mahatma Gandhi
All dressed up in the name of god