Always pregnant. Never pooping. Just be glad.

We are seeing a lot about the world today. Even twenty-five years ago, we did not have the type of information we have today. Now, it comes to us fast. It comes to us whenever we want to see it. At this point in history, we don’t have to see the swirl. We can still turn the devices off. I’m not so sure about the future, how this will be, how we will be.

Last night, there was a segment on 60 Minutes detailing the advent of self-driving trucks. The big kind with 18 wheels and the rolling thunder. It is not a matter of “if” this will happen. It is “when.” The current on-road tests are slated to begin in 2021. That’s next year. Semi-trucks with no drivers. This world, such a thing.

Some may see these occurrences as golden waves of the future.
Others may view them as bad things. Just remember, no matter how bad it might feel, there are lots of others who are feeling bad too. If not worse.

Take that cute little swamp wallaby over there in Australia. The girl kind. Cute as can be, all furry, and pouchy, and only 2 feet tall. Like mini-me-kangaroos, sort of. Here is the thing about the females. Those swamp wallabies can remain pregnant through their entire adult lifetimes.

Yes. Their entire adult lives. For these marsupials, the pregnancy truly never ends. Researchers have recently discovered that female wallabies can conceive while still pregnant. They are getting busy making a new baby — or even two — just a few days before giving birth to an existing little wallaby (or two). Well, they’re not doing this all by themselves, I can assure you. It takes two to wallaby. A perpetual pregnancy for those gals.

I might be spit-balling here, but way back when, as God was laying out the map of things, during animal-creation day, those swamp wallabies must have done something to really piss him off. I can hear his booming voice now. “First, I will put you in a swamp. I will call you swamp wallaby. And you shall be pregnant for ALL of your days.” I can’t imagine what the “thing” was, but I bet it was a heck of a lot worse than the apple scandal.

Yes, there’s a lot about this world. I have some friends who struggle with weight. For my Mom, it was a lifelong battle. But take the sloth. That cute South American sloth. So slow. Not only on the outside but on the inside. Those poor little sleepers will only have one bowel movement during the course of an entire week. And here is the thing. It can take them up to 30 days to completely digest a single leaf. I’m guessing they don’t eat a lot of leaves, as I have never met a fat sloth. But imagine if that were our digestive cycles. That slow. One cookie might take a year. We would need one of those driverless semi-trucks just to get things moving in the right direction.

This world. It can amaze us if we let it. By opening our awareness of the world, we can experience life on a whole different level. A more profound and meaningful level. There is an endless flow of new ideas and concepts. It is just a matter of consciously absorbing them.

We don’t need to look to foreign lands to see, though. We can see right around us. People, events, places, things, thoughts — all in our world. Each new moment as a powerful learning opportunity. When we have the mindset of a conscious observer, we can see and experience this world with a new level of appreciation and wonder today. And gratitude, I’ll tell you.

I’m thankful not to be a sloth. And even more so not to be a swamp wallaby.


“Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.”
― George Bernard Shaw


“Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.”
― Theodore Roosevelt


“Everything you can imagine is real.”
― Pablo Picasso


“We don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are.”
― Anaïs Nin


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