I’m not about to tell you that I don’t believe. Because I do.
I believe in a lot of things.
A spoonful of sugar will help the medicine go down.
I believe that. Sure. I’ve never tried it, but still, if we did take that sugar, we couldn’t see it actually helping make it happen. But I believe it.
What about a spook, a spirit, a being from the world beyond?
I believe in them, too. Not like ghosts in floating sheets. But beings alive and well in the spirit world. We can’t see these things. No, we can’t even imagine how they are, but I truly think they exist.
I believe in all sorts of things, far and near.
The itsy-bitsy spider climbed up the water spout.
I believe it did. I’ve seen one do it. Same goes for Little Miss Muffet and her whole spider thing.
I believe you should not stick your nose in a carton of milk when the date clearly states that the milk has passed the point of spoilage and entered that “curds and whey” phase.
I believe that everything is connected. Somehow.
All of us. All the things. All this world. Intertwined. Somehow.
We’ll never fully understand this.
But we can believe.
If we choose to.
Believe it? When we don’t understand? Maybe.

“A man is what he believes.” – Anton Chekhov
“Belief is not the same as truth.” – Margaret Atwood
“A belief is not merely an idea the mind possesses; it is an idea that possesses the mind.” – Robert Oxton Bolton