Big balls and cosmic dust.

Random thoughts are hitting me today. I guess they hit all of us, everyday. But today it feels a bit like being a kernel of popcorn among many in the hot oil, and you never know which one will go next.

It’s Abraham Lincoln’s birthday. Charles Darwin too. Yes, they were born on the very same day. Lincoln here in Hodgenville, Kentucky. And Darwin over in Shrewsbury, Shropshire in the UK. I’d love to know what time of day for each of them. At any rate, that sure seems like the Universe opening up and giving the world a gift. A big double whammy in a single day. As if that wise Universe said, “Earth-dopes. You’re sinking down there. Let me through you a couple of life preservers.” And Abe and Chuck came down the chute.

Here’s a big hope. What if the Universe decided the same thing about 20 years ago, or so? And we have a couple of big gifts just around the corner? Wouldn’t that be a thing, since a lot of our society seems to be hitting all time lows? Earth-dopes.

Another thought. I wonder if Poodles like to have those big balls of hair on their butts and around their ankles? The Westminster Dog Show makes me wonder about this. A standard poodle, named Siba won Best in Show on Tuesday night, beating out a Whippet named Bourbon. Also in the top contender ring were Bono the Havanese, Daniel the Golden Retriever, Conrad the Shetland Sheepdog, Wilma the Boxer, and Vinny the Wire Fox Terrier. None of the others had big balls of fur on their butts. Just the Poodle, and Poodles are one of the smartest breeds around. I bet Siba was embarrassed. I bet they are all embarrassed when their owners drop them off at the groomer’s and say, “Hey, Louise. Leave the big balls of hair on JoJo’s butt. If I have to have hair on my butt, so does the dog.”
Even facing the adversity, the smart Poodle triumphed at Westminster.

On to the next thing. This one has been bugging me, and I wonder if it is a “snipe hunting” story that someone is trying to pull past this old city girl. We have goats, you see. And I was told once, that billy goats urinate on their own heads to smell more attractive to female goats. First, this sounds like something a goofy guy might do, to impress a girl, so I sort of believe it. But on the other hand, I’ve never seen our boy-goats do this. And even if they wanted to, I’m not quite sure how someone, ANYONE, would pee on their own head. Unless, some sort of extraneous device was used. It seems like it would be a real stretch. And. I’m also reminded, as Confucius used to say, “Better to get pissed off, than pissed on.”

Speaking of being pissed off. Trump suggests the military should consider disciplinary action against Vindman, the Purple Heart recipient who told the truth under oath. AND. He demanded that his longtime adviser Roger Stone should have a reduced sentence for all the crimes he committed. Those are some pretty low moral standards, even for a slimy creep.

But, whisk that negativity away with this random piece of news I just learned. WE are all sucking in “cosmic dust.” Every minute. It sounds magical, and it may very well be, but cosmic dust rains down upon us. On a daily basis, dust from meteorites, comets, and other solar bodies fall to earth. In very tiny particles, which is mostly just a bunch of sodium and iron. But, the “lab coats” who study this phenomenon estimate that altogether, about 60 tons of cosmic dust is falling to earth daily. Sixty tons of cosmic dust. Each day. And we breathe it all in. Ahhhhchooo.

Which brings me to this happy song.
“On the day that you were born 
the angels got together
And decided to create a dream come true
So they sprinkled moon dust in your hair of gold
and starlight in your eyes of blue….”

And that might not be so random after all.
Sparkle on, everyone.
Sparkle on.


“Science, you don’t know, looks like magic.”
― Christopher Moore


“But remember. Just because you don’t believe in something doesn’t mean it isn’t real.”
― Katherine Howe, The Physick Book of Deliverance Dane


“Magic will find those with pure hearts, even when all seems lost.”
― Morgan Rhodes, Falling Kingdoms


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