Calm down, will you? End the binge.

Linda Stowe and I are back to playing Wordle, and using our “guesses” from each day to write a short piece about something. The solution for this particular day (some time ago) was “binge.” I don’t know what Linda’s other guesswords were.

But mine went like this:

And then I wrote this:


I like things on an even keel. No rocking of the proverbial boat.

This is true in every part of my life, including food. I’m not one to binge when it comes to eating. I have found that when one does such a thing, one later weeps about it. Especially when that food item isn’t particularly “good” for us.

I suppose “good” is relative. Perhaps eating three bowls of ice cream may evoke a sense of comfort in some people. And having that feeling is a good thing. But I have found that many times, there is buyer remorse.

I think the main thing is knowing ourselves. Mostly, deep down, we know what is right for us, especially if we allow our “inner voice” to guide us along.

The trick is being in tune with body, mind, and spirit, all at the same time.


And here is Linda’s installment for that day:


We have become a nation of over-indulgence. This goes beyond the occasional binge on Oreos or fling at the mall. That only results in a bulge in our waistline or our credit card balance. No, we go overboard on everything. We’ve gone over the line in just about every way. Our houses are too big and crammed with too much stuff. Our daily schedules are too full. Our entertainment is over the line. We want more, bigger, louder.

When will it end? Why did it start? I don’t have the answers to these questions. But I do have a thought. Maybe we seek more external stimulation because we lack the imagination to create it within ourselves. And maybe the way to allow that imagination to germinate and grow is to face the thing we fear the most: boredom. It could be that spending just half an hour, even 15 minutes a day, doing nothing will quiet our minds enough so that we look inward and take stock of what’s missing. Here’s a hint: it’s probably not a pint of Ben and Jerry’s.


Polly here again.
Either way, we both had some thoughts about how the world is affected by the word “binge.” But I especially loved Linda’s observations. We truly have become a nation of over-indulgence. She is right. Maybe the world would be a better place if we could just be quiet with ourselves. It seems like a simple solution. But for some, it is out of the question.


“Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s needs, but not every man’s greed.”
― Mahatma Gandhi


“Don’t give people what they want, give them what they need.”
― Joss Whedon


“Needs are imposed by nature. Wants are sold by society.”
― Mokokoma Mokhonoana


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