Catnapping? Remember. Crime doesn’t pay.

I came across this photo on the internet some time ago.

One item of note before I even start writing about this trio.
Remember this: When you step outside your door, the world is watching. Everyone standing next to you has a camera in their purse or pocket. So when you just run down to the corner for a small carton of milk with your hair all fussed up and your sweatpants with the rip in the butt, you are bound to end up on Tik Tok sooner or later.

Now. Back to the show.
I can’t remember the context of the website production of this photo, but it was something along the lines of “You just never know what you’ll see out there.”

They made light of this couple, taking their cat out for a walk.

But I say a different story is going on behind the scenes.

These two definitely look like catnappers to me. Not “catnap” like, “I’m just going to sit in my Lay-Z-Boy and doze off for a moment.”
These two look nefarious. They seem to be of the sort that steal family pets and hold out for ransom.
Last week, it was reported that Mr. Bootsy Boo was taken from his yard on Fairlawn Avenue in Madison Heights.
The following day, the family received a ransom note for $100,000 in unmarked bills.

The culprits? Donny and Myra Lambert.
They are seen in this photo with Mr. Bootsy Boo strapped to Donny’s chest.
Clearly, the expression on Mr. Bootsy Boo’s face is one of sheer terror.

Normally, Donny and Myra would not have risked being spotted in this way.
But Myra was hard lining for some Pink Bubble Gum ice cream from the Baskin and Robbins. They had to take Mr. Bootsy Boo with them, as the cat had already destroyed their living room couch, peed on their drapes, and left a hairball in front of the refrigerator.
Hence, the reason behind Myra’s need for some comfort food, which clearly, she is crushing.

Perhaps crime really doesn’t pay.


Story update: Mr. Bootsy Boo walked into the Madison Heights Police Department at 8:37 am Tuesday morning. He carried a scribbled note in his mouth, an address, listing a home on Harrison Avenue.
When police arrived at the house, they found the front door wide open and no one inside.
Most of the furniture had been completely shredded, and there was a light trail of blood leading into the garage. It was determined that the home belonged to Donny and Myra Lambert, but there has been no sign of either suspect. Their vehicle, a 1980 Ford Pinto, is still missing.

Mr. Bootsy Boo was returned to his family later that morning.


The names in this story have been changed to protect the innocent.


“Poverty is the parent of revolution and crime.”
― Aristotle


“There are crimes of passion and crimes of logic. The boundary between them is not clearly defined.”
― Albert Camus


“A good act does not wash out the bad, nor a bad act the good. Each should have its own reward.”
― George R.R. Martin, A Clash of Kings


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