People should love their bedrooms in a perfect world.
It should feel like a bit of a sanctuary, a place where rest is the principal idea. We spend a third of our lives sleeping, and as such, we are probably there more than most other places, indoors or out.
But here is the thing. How it looks matters. Or so I’m told.
The color choices in our bedrooms can largely affect how calm we feel and how well we rest in the evenings, or whenever it is, we get our sleep. According to “psychiatric experts,” we should never paint our bedrooms in certain colors. They are the following.
Black. While the darkness may help us fall asleep at night, it will also make it oh-so-hard to get up in the morning. The darkness will psychologically decrease our energy. You may look like a badass, but you’ll feel like one too.
Dark Brown. Just a step away from black, sleepy heads.
Red. It is bright. This and neon colors should be avoided. They can evoke feelings of unrest or agitation. No one likes a cranky you.
Orange. See Red. Well, don’t see red. That means you’re mad. And we don’t want anyone getting mad about any of this. But don’t paint the bedroom orange either. Save it for your basketballs. And Garfield. And for your morning juice.
Yellow. I saved this one for last because it was the color of my bedroom the entire time I grew up. Well, I think I was in the eighth grade when I finally got my own room. I was allowed to paint it around the time I was allowed to drive. The experts say it reminds us of the sun in the morning, and it keeps us highly alert, causing us to stay awake at night.
Truthfully, I shared the room with my two older sisters, who had taken a secret oath to punish their smallest sibling. Moi. As such, I attributed my alertness to having been on guard at all times. I always waited until they were asleep before I fell asleep. Or, I tried. Now I know it was all yellow’s fault.
Most of us are older and wiser now.
If your bedroom falls under any of these categories, remember, you can always ask Sherwin Williams.
And. May your day be filled with joyous colors.
“I think it pisses God off if you walk by the color purple in a field somewhere and don’t notice it.”
― Alice Walker, The Color Purple
“Let me, O let me bathe my soul in colours; let me swallow the sunset and drink the rainbow.”
― Khalil Gibran
“The purest and most thoughtful minds are those which love color the most.”
― John Ruskin, The Stones of Venice
Color. Room. And the two shall always meet