Here’s what was said:
“We have informed the Trump Organization that our investigation into the organization is no longer purely civil in nature,” James spokesman Fabien Levy said in a statement first reported late Tuesday by CNN. “We are now actively investigating the Trump Organization in a criminal capacity, along with the Manhattan (district attorney).” (USA Today)
They threatened this all throughout his presidency. He can’t be tried for a crime while he holds this office of the president, they said. But once he is no longer in that position, we’ll nab the guy. And now it seems they are trying.
I’ve been watching the commentary on Twitter the past day or so, mostly about how the ship is going down. Sinking. Burning and sinking.
But. I don’t believe it. Not for one minute.
Trump said it best himself when he told us he could shoot someone on Times Square and get away with it. Well. We saw this come true on the steps of the Capitol Building on January 6.
For four years, we watched headline after headline roll across our screens about some new and horrific thing he had done. His support for the Proud Boys, his saying that Nazis were good people. On and on. The destruction of our National Parks. His pulling America out of the world organizations fighting climate change. He was even caught on tape promoting the fact that he could go up to any woman and grab her p**ssy, and it was okay.
His fans cheered him for all of this. They teach their children to cheer him for all of this. That is their right.
For four years, the United States of America was a volatile place, filled with anger and hatred, with Donald Trump holding rallies, saying, almost daily, that half of the American population was evil because they were Democrats. Evil.
And for four years, our daily news was filled with repetitive blow after blow of aggression, anger, and abomination.
You know? The other day on the National Evening News on CBS, there was a piece about a police officer saving some baby ducks.
Personally, I like this quieter, slower, more peaceful version of America. A sane America, where people are back to doing nice things, for one another, and for baby ducks.
Trump will slip through the cracks, once again, on these charges in New York. He always does.
He hit the campaign trail this past week, gearing up for 2024.
And we all will wait and see.
“There is no exercise better for the heart than reaching down and lifting people up.”
― John Holmes
“Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle.”
― Plato
“If you’re in the luckiest one per cent of humanity, you owe it to the rest of humanity to think about the other 99 per cent.”
― Warren Buffett
Criminal? Or, okay by you?