Faker. I hope you left a tip.

I don’t know what to say about some people.

I hear these stories on the news, and they make me sad or angry. Sometimes I feel depleted. Other times, simply exasperated.
While there are kabillions and kaboodles of good people in the world, it seems that the majority who make the headlines are the loathsome. The despicable.

There have been occasions when I’ve heard the news and thought that a certain person must be sheer evil.

But other times, a news piece will come up, and the person is just semi-abhorrent.

Take this guy. He was in the news a few weeks ago.
He’s a con man living in Spain. And. He has been arrested for faking heart attacks on 20 different occasions to get out of paying for his meals at various restaurants. Yes. Faking a heart attack to get out of the bill.

He is a 50-year-old guy. A Lithuanian. His name is Aidas J. I am not sure why they didn’t release his last name. Maybe to protect his family members. Who knows.

Anyway, this guy lives in the southeastern port city of Alicante, in Spain. He goes around acting like a “typical Russian tourist.” Then he goes into these restaurants, orders a huge meal, eats, and fakes a heart attack.

He’s been at it a while. Aidas was first arrested for his scams in Nov. 2022, and his most recent encounter with the law was on Sept. 19, 2023, according to Spain’s EFE news agency.

He visited the “El Buen Comer” in the historic district of Alicante, Spain for his latest endeavor. He ordered a seafood paella and two whiskeys, which cost roughly $36.80. When it was time to pay up, he became “unwell” and threw himself on the ground.

From the news report:
“It was very theatrical, he pretended to faint and slumped himself down on the floor,” Moisés Doménech, the restaurant’s owner, told the US Sun.

The restaurant staff didn’t buy the man’s antics and called the cops. Those police officers recognized the scammer from his prior arrests and again took the man into custody. Aidas confirmed his identity to the police when they arrived at the restaurant. He then requested an ambulance. But the police weren’t buying it either. They verified he was fine and took him to the police station.

Now. I don’t know about you, but this is some kind of low.
And I’m not sure I buy into the whole “karma” thing, because a lot of bad things happen to good people.

But if it were me? I certainly would NOT be scamming by faking a heart attack. That’s asking for “karma” trouble if you ask me. Be careful what you wish for, too.

Regardless. When I hear of crimes like this, I have to wonder about the person.
A lot of times, when someone steals (especially food), it is because they don’t have the money for food. And I feel sorry for them.

But this guy. It just seems to be a new breed of lowliness.

I simply wish we lived in a world where everyone had enough food to eat.
And shelter to live in.
And love to grow on.


“Don’t compromise yourself – you’re all you have.”
― John Grisham, The Rainmaker


“All men make mistakes, but a good man yields when he knows his course is wrong, and repairs the evil. The only crime is pride.”
― Sophocles, Antigone


“Good. Illegal is always faster.”
― Eoin Colfer


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