First Crush By Linda Stowe
I remember my first crush, Phil Renner. I was about 13 and he was a couple of years older. He showed up at our farm one day with some other guys to help my dad bale hay. I only saw him briefly, during the time the workers came in to have lunch at the makeshift tables my mom set up under the large elm tree in the back yard. My role was to help carry platters of food to the table and help keep the glasses of iced tea and lemonade filled. Feeding the workers was fast-paced and rather hectic, but that day things seemed to move in slow motion whenever I was around him.
I have never seen Phil Renner since, and I couldn’t really describe him. I remember him as a tall young man with brown eyes and sandy hair that made me feel all mushy inside. I had never felt that way before and had no idea what to make of it. Was I sick? All I knew was that I was drawn to this boy who appeared unaware of my existence. I wasn’t pushy enough to talk to him, but I did make sure he got the largest piece of peach pie.
There have been other crushes and attractions since then and even after all these years I can’t explain the chemistry behind them. It is never logical or predictable, but it is very real. And apparently it happens to all of us.
Polly here.
Isn’t it something? That feeling inside when we meet someone, and there is an immediate attraction? I wonder what it is.
I’ve had this a few times in my life, too. Well, maybe more than a few. But. I know my first crush without a doubt. I was in the fourth grade. I had a huge crush on my science teacher, Mrs. Hamilton. I was smitten.
But I also found love at first sight in my life. That is when I saw my Mary. From afar. My heart leaped right out of my chest. That was 39 years ago. And to this day, my heart still leaps.
I wonder where Linda’s Phil is today.
First Crush By Linda Stowe