I haven’t flown in a little while. But every day, there is some story on the news about a mishap happening in the clouds up there. Whatever happened to “Flying the Friendly Skies?”
Why. Just a few weeks ago, I heard another tale that would get anyone’s nose out of joint. The story took place on a recent Qantas flight from Sydney to Tokyo. First of all, it is a flight that is a little over ten hours long. Non-stop.
Well, on this particular trip, there was an issue with the in-flight entertainment system. As such, every passenger was forced to watch the same movie on their screens with no ability to turn it off. I’m sure a few passengers would raise a hand at the prospect of this. But wait. It gets worse.
For some reason, the movie chosen was the 2023 Dakota Johnson and Sean Penn drama called Daddio. For those who don’t know it, the film is a sexually explicit pic with graphic nudity and racy texting. And basically, no point.
Of course, there was an uproar from some passengers, which probably came largely from the parents on the flight. The crew eventually switched the movie to a more family-friendly flick. I’m not sure which one, but I hope it was something in the area of Toy Story 3 or Shrek.
Qantas apologized, acknowledging, “The movie was clearly not suitable to play for the whole flight.”
I don’t think most passengers wanted to see Sean Penn’s nuts while eating their complimentary nuts. Flying the friendly skies. Uh-huh.
“Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward.” — Leonardo da Vinci
“To fly is to be free.” — John A. McPhee
“In every mistake, there’s a lesson.” — James Trent
Flying the skies, with nuts.