Good, good, good vibrations. We hope.

The Universe is made of pure energy. This is truth. Everything in this place is particle-based. We are a mass of little, invisible-to-the-eye atoms. And each one of those atoms is vibrating, spinning, moving like crazy-go-nuts. It all moves.


Humans vibrate. So do flowers. And water. The fish in those waters vibrate too. Even the rocks at the bottom of the stream. Yes, those solid rocks. They are spinning like crazy too. Vibrating back and forth, an entire nation of atoms, waving their electron flags. The Universe is made of pure energy.

That energy, at the purest level, is impersonal, unformed, and intelligent.

And because of that fact, it means that we are free to create whatever we desire with that energy. As long as we are willing to accept the energetic consequences of our actions.

We do, as we do.

If we trust in the Universe, we know each person is on their own path. And hopefully, they, like us, are learning from our own choices.

But here is how the human mind works. We want to classify things to understand them. And, since we are living in a world of duality, we see either good or bad, right or wrong.

Oftentimes, we can’t come to grips with something unless we understand its opposite. We have a hard time comprehending one without the other. How can we know something is light if we have never seen the dark? How would we know something is hot if we’ve never felt cold?

Yet, this is sometimes the very thing that is hard for me to understand about energy. It is never created nor destroyed. It changes shapes. So. If good things are happening, does that energy remove the equal amount of negative energy from the world? And vice versa?

Is there an equal balance, or is one type of energy gaining weight?

And there is another layer to this. What one person considers to be good, another person may think that very same thing is evil. We see this time and again.

My only recourse is to try and transcend my mind, and my inner self, to connect to the spirit of the energy today. Doing this enables a sense of gratitude for my own partnership with the Universe. It helps me to see the energy of light and right.

Everything is energy, and we are connected to it all.
May we move well and in the right direction.


“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”
― Nikola Tesla


“We are all connected; To each other, biologically. To the earth, chemically. To the rest of the universe atomically.”
― Neil DeGrasse Tyson


“The energy of the mind is the essence of life.”
― Aristotle, The Philosophy of Aristotle


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