Good morning, starshine.

We would all like to open our eyes in the morning, lift our heads from the pillow, and start belting out those precious words:

Good mornin’, starshine
The Earth says, “Hello”
You twinkle above us
We twinkle below

Good mornin’, starshine
You lead us along
My love and me as we singing
Our early mornin’ singin’ song

Gliddy glub gloopy, nibby nabby noopy la, la, la, lo, lo
Sabba sibby sabba, nooby abba nabba, le, le, lo, lo
Tooby ooby walla, nooby abba naba
Early mornin’ singin’ song

(“Good Morning Starshine” is a pop song from the musical Hair (1967). It was a No. 3 hit in the United States in July 1969, and a No. 6 hit in the United Kingdom in October 1969, for the singer Oliver.)

Yes. We’d love for that starshine to glimmer brightly all the time.
Tooby ooby walla, nooby abba naba.
But it doesn’t always go that way. For many of us, our lives stay on the even keel, which is an excellent thing, as far as I am concerned. Things don’t get too low or too high.

Yet, life doesn’t always stay at that calm “hum,” and we can be pushed into a state of internal disarray.
Hopefully, the thing that is jostling our “calm” can be faced and addressed.

Take this, for example.

An ant is a pretty small little fellow. Yet, despite its size, that ant can drive an elephant to distraction simply by crawling into its ear.

This serves as a powerful reminder of how even the smallest irritant can have a massive impact on any of us.

So, in that same vein, when we allow even the smallest negative “thing” to enter our minds, this negativity can completely affect our inner peace. One little adverse or dissenting thought can get those negative wheels turning and wreak havoc on our spiritual tranquillity.

Our inherent value is precious. We should try hard to take those ants out of our ears and place them back on the ground where they belong.

We should always try to be very discerning about what we let influence us. Strive to recognize and appreciate the virtues and unique qualities in the things around us and in others. We should focus on the positive whenever we can. Thoughts become things, after all.

Giving it our best “Tooby ooby walla, nooby abba naba” might just be the way to go.


“When you plant a negative seed, it grows accordingly.” – Stephen Richards


“Positive thinking will let you do everything better than negative thinking will.” – Zig Ziglar


“It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.” – Confucius


“In every day, there are 1,440 minutes. That means we have 1,440 daily opportunities to make a positive impact.” – Les Brown


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