His hat is in the ring. Hold on to your hat, I’ll tell you.

Time’s a flying.

It seems like we just got through the terrible mess of Trump getting beat in the last election and, subsequently, trying to overthrow the United States government. And now we blinked and it is time for another Presidential election. Here we are, midway through 2023. Primaries are just around the corner.

Just yesterday, or I should say, the evening of May 24th (depending on when you read this. (And a BIG thanks for reading this.) Anyway, just yesterday, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis dropped his own name into the pool of candidates. He officially launched his presidential campaign.

It was supposed to be a big Twitter-ish Hoo-Hah with his pal Elon Musk. I say they are pals. I don’t think they go out bar hopping together, or any such business as that. But they do have a little love fest going. DeSantis has praised Musk, calling him “a great American.” And Musk has said, “Same, same,” for Ronny.

But back to it. DeSantis was supposed to have a showy announcement at this Twitter event. But things got off to a rocky start Wednesday when his big news statement was plagued by technical difficulties. Like dead air, which persisted for more than 20 minutes. Finally, the governor was able to deliver his speech and participate in a question-and-answer session.

DeSantis filed his presidential paperwork with the Federal Election Commission on Wednesday afternoon. And that, my friends, has made him an official candidate, attempting to give the old Trumpster a run for his money. (Sidebar. Does Trump actually have any money, or is it all just smoke and mirrors?) The other day, I saw him sitting in court, which will be one of many appearances for the Big Don. He’s up to his armpits in criminal charges, but it appears most people in the Republican Party don’t mind his dishonesty. But I saw him at his lawyer’s table, and the guy looked about as angry as they come. Like Endora’s face when Samantha told her that she’d never leave Darrin. At any rate, what money Trump might have had is probably getting sunk into lawyers’ fees.

But I’m off track. I was talking about the DeSantis thing. Hopefully, the guy will have better luck running the rest of his campaign after the big fail he went through Wednesday night with Musk and moderator David Sacks.

They tried to gloss it over. Sacks said, “we’ve got so many people here that we are kind of melting the servers, which is a good sign.”

Whatever the cause, the technical glitches sure put a big stinky on what was supposed to be a triumphant moment for DeSantis. I mean, the guy has had years of buzz about his presidential potential.

When DeSantis finally got the ball rolling, he delivered his speech that touched on policing the border, supporting law enforcement, and other issues.

As of May 25th, 2023, there are seven Republicans who have formally entered the 2024 presidential race:

Donald Trump
Nikki Haley
Ron DeSantis
Mike Pence
Tim Scott
J.D. Vance
Vivek Ramaswamy

In addition to these seven candidates, there are a number of other Republicans who are considering running for president in 2024, including:

Mike Pompeo
Kristi Noem
Ted Cruz
Marco Rubio
Tom Cotton
Ben Sasse
Sarah Palin

It is still early in the race, and it is possible that more Republicans will enter the field in the months to come.

We shall see what we shall see. But if you wear a hat, hang on to it. Things are going to get awful windy.


Never mistake activity for achievement.
— John Wooden


Man is nature’s sole mistake.
— William Gilbert


The trouble with the rat race is that even if you win, you’re still a rat.
— Lily Tomlin


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