Some days, it seems, the best we can come up with is Idaho. I mean no disservice to Idaho or any residents of the state. But it seems that the most I can report is that Idaho was admitted as the 43rd state in the United States on this date, July 3, 1890. They have potatoes. By the bagful. And the huckleberry is the state fruit. Like Huckleberry Hound. Although he was from North Carolina, I think.
I mean, it just goes that way somedays.
Even the major networks have a blip every now and again. Truly. On April 18, 1930 — a Good Friday — the BBC reported, “There is no news.” Instead, they played piano music for the entire broadcast.
Today, I’m playing piano music.
I could tell you that Jim Morrison of The Doors allegedly overdosed on heroin on this date in 1971. But that would be depressing and dark. And this is a holiday weekend.
Maybe we could revisit the fact that John Logie Baird demonstrated the first color television transmission in London. Also on this date, but in 1928. Thanks to him, we are able to know that Huckleberry Hound was blue in color and wore a straw hat with a red and black polka dot band.
I know I’ve recounted the story here about the last two great auks being killed. It happened on this date, in 1844, on Eldey, off the coast of Iceland. That incident ended the last known breeding attempt for those birds. The story is sad, and we don’t have great auks anymore.
There is so much good as well. On July 3, 1922, “Fruit Garden and Home” magazine was introduced to the good world. It was later renamed “Better Homes and Gardens.” Better, I told you.
All a part of life’s experiences.
But, honoring the experiences we have in our lives is a way to communicate with life. Life is our greatest teacher, after all. And it is only when we acknowledge the events in our lives that we are able to deepen our experiences. And our lessons. It brings us into a closer connection with life and with the moment. Each moment.
So, to learn, we must acknowledge. And see.
Sometimes, the lessons don’t make sense to me. And then, further down the road, I’ll have some sort of understanding. However, I must admit, there have been times when I still say, “Where was the lesson in THAT?”
Today is our day. Our day to be in this world and to be exactly who we are. Throughout history, every moment has built on the next to get us right here, at this moment. Being. And now, we, too, are a part of that great continuance.
So go. Go and be beautiful you, on this day, in the now, and in the history.
Life is a mountain. Your goal is to find your path, not to reach the top.
— Maxime Lagacé
The mind is everything. What you think you become.
— Buddha
Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.
— Søren Kierkegaard
Honoring all of it. Even the eyes on the potatoes.