We live in a world these days where we are constantly aware of what other people are doing. Social media is the cause of this. We know when someone has been to the amusement park. We’ve seen where our cousin got first prize in her cooking contest or sporting event. We find out about Mr. Smith’s new patio. We even get to see what’s come in from all the gardens. And. See Jane run.
People share their lives now, like never before, and most of the time, we see the successes. The wins. The happy.
There is hardly ever see a post that says, “I just got into a huge fight with my husband, and he’s a dirty rotten bastard.” (Photo included of said husband, holding a beer can.)
All of this has a tendency to make us compare our lives to others. This juxtaposition can force us to think that we are somehow not good enough.
But the truth is, we are always good enough. Whatever it is we do or can do at that time, comes from us. It is our life, our knowledge of ourselves, and our will. Comparisons can only burden us. We only need to be concerned with fulfilling our own potential. And by potential, I mean whatever that might be in the moment.
It is okay to feel down. It is okay to want to rest. It is okay to cry.
We only see the world where people are ultra-succeeding around us. We shouldn’t be fooled into thinking that life is oh-so-perfect for anyone.
It might be best to let go of the tendency to hold ourselves up to other people’s standards. We try our best, whatever that may be. Remember, we are not all the same. Some people were meant to save the world, be the superstars, or keep a rapid pace. And others are not.
Doing our best is really just living every moment to its fullest. And this potential exists in every situation we encounter in your life. Smell the coffee. Enjoy the show. Let the person with two items in their cart go in front of us.
Doing our best is not about expectations or achievements, successes or failures. Those are simply labels, with all sorts of implications attached. Being who we are and doing our best is about putting our energy into whatever life situation we are currently experiencing.
A moment passes so quickly. We need only take notice.
I love life because what more is there.
— Sir Anthony Hopkins
Life is not about how fast you run or how high you climb, but how well you bounce.
— Vivian Komori
When it comes to life the critical thing is, whether you take things for granted or take them with gratitude.
— Gilbert Chesterton
How to be your best. Seriously. You. Not them.