I bet we can do without the fireworks.


It seems that everything these days has to be sensationalized. I blame it on Social Media.

Prior to social media, there was a measure of semblance. And privacy. Your business was your own, and if something major was going on in your life, you would let those around you, those you care about, hear the news.

These days, people can’t eat a bowl of cornflakes without posting the event on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Of course, Snapchat for the younger lot.

Here’s something. Wildfires are currently devastating California. The land, the people’s entire lives, are being turned to ashes as I type, as you read. Firefighters put themselves at risk, every day. The El Dorado Fire in Southern California was caused by a pyrotechnic device used at a gender-reveal party.

I’ll say it again. One of the California wildfires was caused by a gender-reveal party. During a global pandemic. What the flock are people doing?

Not so very long ago, if a woman was pregnant, someone might sheepishly ask, “Do you know what you’re having?” If she did know, she may let them know, depending on “who” was asking. Today, it is the “Shot Heard ‘Round the World.”

What is it with this need to be in the spotlight, the glory of having the most “likes”, the momentary flash of fame?

I align this right along with people “crying” about their “rights.” They don’t want to wear a mask, boo hoo, because it impedes their rights as U.S. Citizens. I wonder how much is truly about their “rights” or how much is about getting their way?  Being a citizen is much more than a one-way street.

The absurdity of people in our country has hit an all-time high. Common sense is scarce. Other, more important measures, such as making sacrifices in times of trouble are completely unheard of. We are living in an age of entitlement, of gender-revealing hoopla, of glitter and glitz Hollywood housewives, of the armed and dangerous fanatic, and the sad lot who have forgotten what being human is all about.

I don’t know what to make of this.

But. Perhaps we are here to learn. To learn about aligning ourselves with our highest moral values, learning how to open our hearts to love. We all possess our very specific talents, to make and shape this world with goodness, kindness, and compassion. How we share ourselves is very specific to the individual soul. The smallest of measures are just as perfect as the large.

Maybe in this way.


Give light, and the darkness will disappear of itself.
— Desiderius Erasmus


There are two ways of spreading light; to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.
— Edith Wharton


It is better to light one small candle than to curse the darkness.
— Eleanor Roosevelt
