I could get my gun, FAST.

Subject:  Notification FAST Get Your Gun NOW

That was the subject heading of one of my emails today.
This is the ad enclosed in the body of the email.

There’s a lot going on here, if you ask me. I guess since “they” sent this to me, they’d appreciate hearing my opinion. So, to “whoever” you are, “where ever” you are, I offer my response.

Dear Sir.
While I say, Sir, I suppose you could be a Madam.
I’ll go with this.
Dear Jack,
Now, this is short for “Don’t know Jack,” which knows no restrictions on sex, race, religion, or any other denomination. Or perhaps Jack Ash, which can also  be anyone. And I have a strong sense that you are one.
I’ll continue.

Let’s start with the heading. Right off the bat, you start calling Liberals names. Let’s see, I think it was “Just when you thought liberals couldn’t get any crazier…”
Since you are making assumptions about me, and them, I think you should know that I don’t think Liberals are crazy in the first place. Not one smidge. Not a bit. Not even an Iota. You on the other hand?

Next point of business: I think you are sorely mistaken about the Second Amendment Sanctuary Cities. You see, Jack, these places that are providing a “sanctuary” FOR the Second Amendment. That means they are “protecting” your right to own a gun. For the record. At last check, the Second Amendment is still alive and well, along with the rest of the amendments of our Constitution. I am not sure why Gun Advocates feel the need to create these Fairy Tale Communities, but I at least thought you should know that your little ad really botched things up with this one.

Your next statement.
“Every day is starting to feel more and more like disarmed Germany 1938?”
Again Jack. What happened here is that the Gun Owners — the people in power — the Nazis — had plenty of guns. And tanks. And gas chambers. They began to systematically take away the rights of the Jews, who, by the way, weren’t big on gun ownership. In fact, they were very peaceful people for the most part. But you are comparing yourself to the persecuted Jews?
You are laying down some mixed messages here. It is probably something you heard from Rush Limbaugh. But again, I feel you could choose your history-references more wisely.

Finally, let’s talk about Government Tyranny. At last check, the White House is filled with Republicans. A Republican President. A Republican Vice President. And all the Republican Minions, an entire Army of Yes Men, licking the boots of President Warp Speed. The Orange President lauds gun ownership. He likes it when people armed with semi-automatic weapons march on the steps of State Capitol Buildings and threaten the American Leaders inside. Who were elected, into office, by a MAJORITY of the people. We need to look long and hard at where the tyranny is springing from Jack. Those “wacko liberals” have nothing to do with it.

As far as your little blurb about our Founding Fathers and the militia? It is true, but let us have a little history lesson. WE, as a country, were fighting for our freedom from British rule. The British Army was frequently on our soil. Back in those days, Jack, the late 1700s, we only had single load musket rifles. It took, on average, between 25 and 40 seconds to load one musket. So it was necessary, for groups of people ( a militia ) to join together to ward off British attacks.

These days Jack, we don’t have a foreign country invading us. Yet. And it is currently legal to own semi-automatic weapons which have the capacity to kill multitudes of people in under a minute. Like the 22 people in El Paso, Texas, in under three minutes. So the Militia thing may be a bit outdated.

So, Jack, I say NO to your Limited Time Offer.
In fact, don’t contact me again.

I believe in our Constitution, and our Declaration of Independence. I fear for the health of these glorious documents, thanks to misguided people like you, who are slobbering your gibberish all over our sidewalks.

Take a walk, Jack. Smell some flowers. Sit down and watch some squirrels playing. Or birds nesting. Don’t think about how easy it would be to shoot them Jack. There is more to life than that. You see, that nature, those animals, are all a part of our world Jack. Our world, that should be running quite nicely on its own. But people keep getting in the way. With their guns, and their tanks, and their gas chambers.

Try to see for yourself today Jack. Open your eyes, look all around.
And see something other than a target.


“Last night I lost the world, and gained the universe.”
― C. JoyBell C.


“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.”
― Ramana Maharshi


“The road to enlightenment is long and difficult, and you should try not to forget snacks and magazines.”
― Anne Lamott, Traveling Mercies: Some Thoughts on Faith


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