I’m a Wood Dragon, aka Water Rabbit wannabe.

People search for meaning and purpose in their lives. Most people.

What does our existence mean?
What is our place here on Earth or in this Universe?
Who are we? Why are we the way we are?

Yes. The questions about our internal being abound.
Who. What. Why.

Humans, through the years, have created things to try and help make sense of all of this.

We created religions of all sorts, from Protestantism to Hinduism.
We’ve written endless books, like the Koran and the Bible. Or like Immanuel Kant’s “Critique of Pure Reason” or Plato’s “Republic.”

And we’ve made other things, like Astrology and the Zodiac.
I’m going to talk about this one again. Astrology.

In the Astrology arena, there are things called “Elements.”
Like in our Western version, there is Air, Earth, Fire, and Water. Say you are a Pisces. You are a Water sign. Or a Taurus, like me. We are Earth signs.

The Chinese Zodiac is much the same way. I’ve always thought they had more experience than us. I mean, the Chinese zodiac system is thousands of years old. It is full of history and ancient traditions. It also offers an incredibly detailed perspective of the world and the heavens.

Chinese astrology is defined by its 12 zodiac signs: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep (or Goat), Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig.

But as I mentioned, they have other natural forces at work here as well, including the five elements of the Chinese zodiac: Fire, Earth, Metal, Water and Wood.

These Chinese zodiac elements describe the fundamental components of everything in the Universe and how they relate to one another. And, supposedly, since you and I are a part of the Universe, they affect us too.

Okay, this gets a little deeper. So, if you want to go reading your Cap’n Crunch box, I won’t hold it against you. I promise.

Anyway. Each year has a specific element assigned to it. Those five elements and the 12 zodiac signs create a 60-year cycle.

These “elements” affect different parts of Chinese culture.

Like. These five elements coordinate with elements of the body in Chinese medicine: Fire corresponds to the heart, Earth to the stomach, Metal to the lungs, Water to the kidneys, and Wood to the liver.

And, each of the Chinese zodiac elements corresponds to different seasons and months of the year: Fire is summer, Metal is autumn, Water is winter and Wood is spring. Earth corresponds to seasonal transitions (i.e., the last few weeks of each season).

It goes on and on.

So I am sure, by now, that you are really curious about your own Chinese zodiac element and how it affects your life.

I was born in 1964. So, I am a Wood Dragon. They say that individuals born in the Year of the Wood Dragon, such as those born in 1964, 2024, and beyond, “are characterized as highly creative and curious individuals. They possess a natural inclination to explore diverse paths in life, reflecting their open-minded and liberal nature.”

I suppose that could be me. I sure am curious.

For what it is worth. If I had to pick, I think I’d like to be a Water Rabbit. I don’t know what they are like, but Water Rabbits sounds like a lot of fun.

So have some fun. Here are the elements listed below, taken directly from the article I read:




Fire birth years: End in numbers 6 and 7

Colors: Red (yang), purple (yin)

Planet: Mars

Climate: Hot

Body organs: Heart (yin), small intestines (yang)

Fire is an aggressive element, so people associated with this zodiac element are very direct and expressive and tend to be leaders. “A Fire type succeeds by becoming warmhearted and generous,” explains Levitt. That means embracing their innate sense of love, passion and spirituality. However, this element can have negative tendencies for vanity, jealousy and frustration. “The challenge for a Fire type is to share joy and laughter without thought of reward.”

According to Levitt, your power color is red (yang/masculine energy) if you are born in a year that ends in the number 6. Your color is purple (yin/feminine energy) if your year ends in the number 7. The color red indicates stronger, more aggressive energy. Levitt also notes that “a red sign is extremely resilient and can miraculously overcome most illnesses.” The color purple indicates sensuality and emotional intensity. “A purple sign may have a disposition to develop a weak heart due to emotional stress.”


Earth birth years: End in numbers 8 and 9

Colors: Yellow (yang), gold (yin)

Planet: Saturn

Climate: Damp

Body organs: Spleen (yin), stomach (yang)

Earth is a practical, reliable element, but it is also defined by its sense of honesty, kindness and empathy. People associated with this element are nurturing, like Mother Earth. They are also thoughtful and pensive. “An Earth individual does well to meditate and contemplate,” Levitt says. “It is important for those born in an Earth year to nourish themselves physically, emotionally and spiritually.”

Your color is yellow (yang/masculine energy) if your year ends in the number 8. Your color is gold (yin/feminine energy) if it ends in the number 9. According to Levitt, “People born in a golden year are considered fortunate and will always be taken care of and have their needs met.”


Metal birth years: End in numbers 0 and 1

Colors: White (yang), silver (yin)

Planet: Venus

Climate: Dry

Body organs: Lungs (yin), large intestines (yang)

Metal is an element associated with industry and weaponry. People connected to this element are as strong as steel. They are also independent and focused and can be quite intense. In fact, these people can sometimes be too unrelenting and often put up a tough front when they refuse to deal with their emotions. “The Metal personality is very determined and powerful,” says Levitt. “One born in a Metal year succeeds by being less opinionated, accepting change and gracefully releasing the past.”

Your color is white (yang/masculine energy) if your year ends in the number 0. Your color is silver (yin/feminine energy) if it ends in the number 1. Levitt says that white signs are symbolized by a weapon, while silver signs are symbolized by a kettle. When Metal is masculine, it is industrious in an aggressive, powerful way; in its feminine form, it is industrious in a more supportive and structural way.


Water birth years: End in numbers 2 and 3

Colors: Black (yang), gray (yin)

Planet: Mercury

Climate: Cold

Body organs: Kidneys (yin), bladder (yang)

Much like the water signs of the Western zodiac, people associated with this Chinese zodiac element are known for being creative, sensitive and reflective. More than any other element, Water resides in emotions. “Water types value family and social contacts and possess the ability to attract,” Levitt says. “Those born in a Water year succeed by not allowing fear to block the fullest expression of creativity.”

Your color is black (yang/masculine energy) if it ends in the number 2. Your color is gray (yin/feminine energy) if it ends in the number 3. Black signs are symbolized by a wave, while gray signs are symbolized by a brook. Again, this demonstrates the contrast in masculine and feminine representations of the element; the former is more aggressive, while the latter is calm.


Wood birth years: End in numbers 4 and 5

Colors: Green (yang), blue (yin)

Planet: Jupiter

Climate: Windy

Body organs: Liver (yin), gallbladder (yang)

Remember, 2024 is the Year of the Wood Dragon! Wood signifies growth and enthusiasm. This Chinese zodiac element is associated with idealism, bold action and imagination. “Wood types possess decision-making skills and the ability to create change,” Levitt states. People connected to this element can also be very competitive and are susceptible to negative emotions like discouragement and anger. “The challenge for a Wood type is to learn to control anger and channel it into positive work that benefits all people.”

Your color is green (yang/masculine energy) if your year ends in the number 4. Your color is blue (yin/feminine energy) if it ends in the number 5. Green signs are symbolized by a pine tree, which indicates sturdy, upright and enduring qualities. Blue signs are symbolized by bamboo, which is a plant that finds strength in its flexibility.



“Astrology is a language. If you understand this language, the sky speaks to you.” – Dane Rudhyar


“Astrology is like a weather report; it tells you what conditions you’re likely to face in the future. If the weatherman says it’s probably going to rain, you bring an umbrella. If you follow that advice, you won’t get wet.” – Lee Lehman


“Astrology has no more useful function than this, to discover the inmost nature of a man and to bring it out into his consciousness, that he may fulfill it according to the law of light.” – Aleister Crowley


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