I’m not a quitter. Quitters never win. They say. Or maybe they do.

Hello to all of you. Thanks for reading this blog.

This day. And every day that you do. I truly appreciate the fact that you come here to share in thoughts, and thinking, and information.

I’ve been at this since late in the year 2009. That’s about 15 years, by my count. Every day, with the exception of a few days, here and there. Rain or shine. In sickness and in health.

Sometimes, I go through “spots” where I feel like the whole thing is getting stale. Like I’m wasting your time. Lately, I’ve been feeling that way. For a few months now.

I’ve been interjecting my daily posts with writings from my friend, Linda Stowe. That has been helpful in taking away four or five days each month. But that leaves the other 26 or 27.

I’m also working slower. It used to be that I could crank out a blog, with the illustration and all, in around 30 minutes. Now, it takes a few hours for each one by the time I’ve written, edited, spelled and grammar checked, and conjured up some sort of illustration.

At any rate, I’m not quitting this. I’m just going to write less, I think. I’ll still post something every day, but sometimes it might just be a quote, or a photo, or a “Gone Fishing” sign. And I don’t fish. Trust me. I do not fish.

So, thanks again for reading and for your support. It touches my heart, especially for those of you who have been at this for so long. Thank you.

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