You all read the news, just like I do. So by now, you know that Bill Cosby was released from prison Wednesday after his conviction on sexual assault charges was overturned. This, by Pennsylvania’s highest court.
That’s where he has been these past three years — behind bars in the State Correctional Institution in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. But, the 83-year-old Cosby walked out of there Wednesday afternoon. Free and clear.
To remind you of the cause, Cosby was sentenced in September 2018. Yes, sentenced for 3 to 10 years in state prison, for allegedly drugging and sexually assaulting Andrea Constand in 2004. She was a former Temple University employee when it happened. After his conviction, Cosby served about three years of his sentence.
The decision to overturn the conviction resulted from “a procedural technicality.” A loopy, loopy, hole And. He can’t be tried for the same crime again.
Some people are saying, “Well, he’s 83 years old, and he served three years, so, whatever.” And maybe they are right. However, through all of this, he never showed any remorse. He never admitted he was wrong for drugging another human being and then taking advantage of them sexually.
It won’t happen again. At least it shouldn’t. Who in their right mind would be in the same room with that man after such a conviction? Oh, wait. People who want money. That’s who. Well, more power to them then. Maybe they’ll pilfer every penny he has.
And speaking of that. Britney. Yes, Britney Spears has been in the news a lot lately. I was never a fan, and I am still not. I’m definitely not spending my afternoons marching around public squares with a “Free Britney” sign in hand.
But I do know this. Britney Spears’ petition to remove her father from conservatorship was denied by a judge on Wednesday. Wednesday’s ruling was only to approve Bessemer Trust as co-conservator, but also rejected the singer’s request to remove her father from involvement.
So, he’ll keep pilfering his pennies too.
I typically don’t write about current events, and I am not quite sure why I picked these two to start. Perhaps, because both cases seem to involve some type of injustice. And I really dislike injustice.
I think it dates back to my time with the nuns. We were wrongly convicted by those nuns on a regular basis. In fact, many times, we would be minding our own dang business and still end up in hot water. Maybe that’s it.
Yet, one thing I know for certain is that I hate to see a lack of fairness or justice in any situation. Whatever it may be. From two kids playing “keep away” from a third kid, a smaller version of themselves, as he jumps in the air, in vain, trying to get the ball. Or it could be an injustice such as some president getting away with inciting angry mobs to overthrow the government, all so he can be king.
Yet, I’m told that life isn’t fair. The world isn’t fair. And I have seen this to be true. But. That shouldn’t stop us from trying to make it fair. Even-steven. Equitable. If something is broken somewhere, I suppose we should try to fix it.
With all of that said, it still doesn’t mean I’m going out to the garage right now to paint my ‘Free Britney’ sign. There may be other broken things I need to worry about, instead.
“The world isn’t fair, Calvin.”
“I know Dad, but why isn’t it ever unfair in my favor?”
― Bill Watterson, The Essential Calvin and Hobbes
“Auditur et altera pars. (The other side shall be heard as well.)”
― Seneca, Medea
“The Universe is under no obligation to make sense to you.”
― Neil deGrasse Tyson
Unjust. Unfair. Oh, to be just fair.