Inch by inch we glow and that is enough.


This morning I summoned the “Random Word Generator.” Oh, I say that like I’m some sort of royalty, the way I summoned the thing. But those random word generators are a dime a dozen on the internet. I am reduced to such measures when the Idea Cookie Jar in my Brain Kitchen is completely void of crumbs.

Yes, all the other options seemed bad. Let’s face it, the main entry for this day in history was from 1461, when the Empire of Trebizond surrendered to forces of Sultan Mehmet II — the last Byzantine Empire remnant to fall. I figured most of you did give a roasted peanut about Trebizond, and the resulting 800 words would have been a disaster.

So off to the generator I went. First, I must say, I like that they call them “random word generators”. For the obvious reasons, of course, they “generate” or produce random words. But also in comparison to the other generator in my life. The kind that produces electricity, when the normal flow to the house is disrupted. Much in the same way, both produce sparks of energy. A current. A flow. One electrical, and the other, lyrical. A nice parallel, those two.

And another sidebar, we needed our generator — again — yesterday. Yes, we lost our electric once more, on a perfectly sunny morning. Ka-POP! We heard the transformer blow down at the road. I think our house is the most frequently “out of electric” home in all of Preble County. After I reported the outage, I checked the “DP&L Outage Map” to see how many customers were affected yesterday. One. Us. Yes. Just the one. Honest to god, I’m not running some mad-scientist-laboratory in the basement or anything. I bet we didn’t even have two lights on in the house at the time we lost our power.

Back to the word generator, I summoned some time ago. I set the number of words to two, and vowed that I would write today about those words, no matter what came up. It made me a little nervous and I had to steady myself before I clicked the “GO” button.

The two words it spit out were:

The first thing to came to mind was the old song by The Mills Brothers. Glow Worm.

We used to sing it sometimes when we were kids.
“Glow little glow worm, turn the key on
You are equipped with taillight neon”

And then as soon as we would finish, we’d break into song with “Inch Worm” from The Sound of Music. Which would lead us into another medley of songs from the Von Trapps. But no more worm songs. I am pretty sure my Dad was the instigator, and we sure did love to sing along.

Of course, the word in itself is one of the English language’s best.
Glow. To give out steady light. What a word that might be for all of us to live by. Glow. Imagine, all of us humans, all the world around, giving out steady light, instead of darkness. Wouldn’t that be a wonderful thing?

The next word, in my estimation, is equally good.
Ample. Enough. Or more than enough. Plentiful.
It reminds me too, to be grateful for this life and all it is constantly giving. I have always had enough, or more than enough. Even in those times when I could not see it.

But right off the bat, ample reminds me of amp, or ampere — which is the basic unit of electrical current.

And we were out of those electrical units yesterday. But the generator kicked in and saved the day, giving us an ample supply of electricity, which, in turn, caused our lights to glow.

And once again, the Universe brings it full circle. Let’s all give off a little glow today and make the world a brighter place.


“You can’t always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, you might find, you get what you need.”
― Mick Jagger


“No one can take away our inner glow. Nothing is more beautiful than a kind heart!”
― Jyoti Patel


“When we lose one blessing, another is often most unexpectedly given in its place.”
― C.S. Lewis


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