We are all dependent.
No one on the face of the earth is independent.
No one in all of history ever has been.
Try it, if you think it is true. Sure there are people who go off the grid and live on their own. But, unless they hand-made every bit of their supplies, as well as every stitch of clothing on their backs, and if they carried that all by hand to the place where they go to be off the grid, they have depended on someone for their current position in life.
In fact, the incredible feat of a mother birthing a child begins the cycle of dependency. None of us entered this world on our own. We all had assistance during the grand entrance and received further help to survive.
So. I am sick and tired of people talking about the encroachments on their independence. Their freedoms. Their rights.
Part of my rigor comes from my own current circumstance. I am stuck in a county where people won’t get vaccinated. In fact, nearly 70% of the people have decided it is an assault on their independence. Their “freedom.”
Well, they are assaulting mine.
And I’m sick and effing tired of it.
If we switch over to their reasoning, let us go.
In that case.
I’m an American too.
I have rights too.
So why should I be the one to have to bow down to their wishes? Why are they more important than me and all the other 32% of us who have decided to follow scientific recommendations and stop this damn pandemic?
Why do those “Don’t Tread On Me” flags apply to me?
Andrew Cuomo resigned.
He most likely should have given all the allegations that have surfaced about him. And here is what happened.
That information came out.
He is a Democrat, and the Republicans immediately jumped on this, putting the hammer down. They pressed him every day to resign or be impeached. (He might still be impeached.). So, his Democratic cohorts, with morals and standards, encouraged him to resign. They said it was the right thing to do.
And he resigned.
Yet, similar and possibly worse allegations surfaced about Donald Trump during his presidency. I believe they came from over 30 different women claiming sexual crimes. And what happened then? The Democrats said resign. And the Republicans, with no moral fibers, pushed the stories under the rug, paying off people left and right until the allegations faded into millions of Trump dollars. He did not resign but instead continued as President, ignored a pandemic, and tried to overthrow the American government with a coupe. Thankfully, democracy withstood the assault.
And yet, still, here we are. All dependent. On one another. Hoping we’ll do the right thing.
We live in a society exquisitely dependent on science and technology, in which hardly anyone knows anything about science and technology.
— Carl Sagan
Independence? That’s middle class blasphemy. We are all dependent on one another, every soul of us on earth.
— George Bernard Shaw
In space, everything is dependent on everything else and one hiccup causes a lot of ripple effects.
— Anne McClain
Independence? I don’t think so.