Our America was founded by immigrants. In a way. We all know that long before white people pulled up in boats, the true and rich culture of Native American tribes thrived across this very land. But white people shoved them aside and overtook their homes. All of that is a blog for another day, perhaps.
On the other side of that, however, Europeans began settling on the shores of this future country. And. The formation of the “United States” was started by immigrants. True. The Founding Fathers who signed the Declaration of Independence had been born on British soil. That’s right. This “New World” was mostly all British land back then.
Anyway. Over the centuries, more and more immigrants came. For many different reasons. In return, these newcomers brought new innovations that it seems impossible to imagine life without.
So here are some things invented by “immigrants.”
• Levi’s Blue Jeans
The Levi Strauss company was started by a German immigrant in the 19th century. Loeb Strauss came from Bavaria to the United States in 1847.
Strauss patented those blue jeans in 1873, and a wardrobe staple was born.
• The Hamburger
The origins of the hamburger, as well as who was the first to “invent” it in the United States, are still up for debate. There are a number of different restaurants – and even cities – that claim to be the first. People agree that the name derives from the city of Hamburg, Germany, and hamburgers arrived in America via German immigrants. But it came from over there.
• Heinz Ketchup
I love Heinz ketchup. A whole flock of kids love it too. And. The “Heinz” part of the name derives from the condiment’s founder, Henry J. Heinz, who was born shortly after his parents arrived in the United States from their home country of Germany. It started in 1876 when Heinz debuted his tomato ketchup – and the rest is history.
• Colgate Toothpaste
In 1806, English immigrant William Colgate, who was living in New York City, started a factory that manufactured soap, candles, and other personal grooming necessities. Colgate died in 1857, and his son, Samuel, took over. He is credited with creating Colgate Toothpaste in 1873. The brand went on to become the first toothpaste ever sold in a tube.
• Kraft Foods
Canadian immigrant James L. Kraft made the cheese. Kraft emigrated from his hometown of Stevensville, ON, to Buffalo, NY, in 1902. And the cheese single was born
• Chef Boyardee
It is the go-to brand for canned pasta. There actually was a real Chef Boyardee – the brand was also founded by an Italian immigrant named Ettore “Hector” Boiardi. He arrived in the United States in 1914. He was a chef at the Plaza Hotel in New York City. And that is where it all began.
• The White House
The structure was designed by Irish immigrant James Hoban, was built between 1792 and 1800.
There is a lot more that was invented by immigrants, like the Brooklyn Bridge, basketball, Thousand Island dressing, Chevrolet, shopping malls, Budweiser beer, and on.
My family came over from Germany in the early 1800s. As far as I know, they didn’t invent anything. Except for more kids.
And here I am. Inventing this.
“Invention is the most important product of man’s creative brain.” — Nikola Tesla
“The progress of the world depends almost entirely upon education and invention.” — George Eastman
“The value of an idea lies in the using of it.” — Thomas Edison
Invented By Immigrants. That would be all of us.