I use a spatula every day. At breakfast time. When I clear the cooking bowl of my grits.
At any rate, yesterday, I considered the thing. It is a brilliant tool when you think about it. I mean, the fork, or knife, or spoon could never do what the spatula does. Especially in record time, as the spatula always does.
A couple of quick swipes and the surface is squeaky clean. The other utensils bow to the spatula’s prowess in clearing cake batter from the mixing bowl. Or better yet, mashed potatoes.
But the word. Spatula. Why?
You see. Right now, I spit.
Yesterday, I spat.
See what I mean?
As it turns out, it is originally the fault of the Greeks.
The word “spatula” originates from the Latin word “spatula”, which is the diminutive form of “spatha.” This means “broad flat tool” or “blade.”
And then. The term “spatha” itself comes from the Greek “spáthē” (σπάθη), which referred to a broad, flat object like a wooden blade or a paddle.
In English, the word “spatula” began appearing in the 16th century to describe flat implements used in cooking, medicine, or chemistry. Over time, it became most commonly associated with kitchen utensils. Oh, you know how it goes — those tools for flipping, spreading, or scraping in ancient kitchens everywhere.
So that is where the word comes from.
The spatula doesn’t have one person credited for the invention. Although, I’m sure one person had to come up with the idea initially. One person saw the better way to do something.
And, in those ancient times, probably around 3,000 to 2,000 BCE, early versions of spatulas were likely improvised or crafted from materials like wood or stone, depending on the era and purpose.
So. To put your mind at ease, the spatula has nothing to do with spitting.
You can scoop with confidence now. Knowing that you are using a modern version of an ancient paddle.
A paddle?
Row, row, row, your food, gently down the stream.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily. Life is but a dream.
“Necessity is the mother of invention.”
– Plato (Attributed)
“The spirit of invention is not something that can be cultivated solely by any one individual or group, but a cumulative progress of the ages.”
– Nikola Tesla
“Every invention has a story, a journey from an idea to the betterment of life.”
– Thomas Day
It is a Spat. With a You. And a La.