It is just like being here, but not really.


Here we are, in reality, all the time. It seems like the thing to do.

In light of that, I bought a Virtual Reality System. The system, the headset, is called the Oculus Quest 2. It sounds out of this world, doesn’t it?

My reasoning for this was two-fold. Of course, we all know what happened to the cat. But I must say that curiosity got the better of me in this case. VR has been around for a long time. And I am one of those techno-people who have to try out the latest gadgets pretty quickly. So I have wanted to explore this for a long time. I finally gave in.

The second reason is that I wanted to start moving a little more in the form of workouts, and this is a great way to do it. So, a few clicks on Amazon, and the Oculus Quest 2 was waiting on my doorstep the next day like some orphaned child in a basket.

I’ve had this about a week but have only played about four times so far. There’s a little bit of a learning curve, and truthfully, I am still on it. But I must say, for the most part, it is pretty straightforward. On the very first try, I was flying blimps and hitting a tetherball. I played in a shooting gallery and danced with a robot.

My social life appears to be getting better, and I haven’t even left the foyer.

I’ve only worked out once so far, and that was on the face of Mars, with actual scenes from the land rover. It beats the heck out of the local gym, I can assure you. And. The instructor was talking directly to me the entire time, but she had no idea if I was slouching or not.

My favorite thing to do, so far, is table tennis. Ping pong. I’ve been playing the heck out of that game, and as such, I’ve run into a wall twice, knocked over one barstool, and actually knocked myself over on one occasion. My competitive streak apparently exists in virtual worlds too. And I seem to forget the real world around me.

Despite my mishaps, I’d highly recommend it. Although, the last time I played, which was a few days ago, I took a ride on a roller coaster. I was standing during this, as I seldom sit down. A few minutes in, I almost threw up and had to pull the headset off.

That’s not on my list of things to try again next.
Today, I may learn to fly a plane. Or jump out of one.
I could visit Cairo. Or any place for that matter.
There seems to be a lot of zombie fighting options too. And dinosaur quests.

No matter how you look at it, there’s bound to be an adventure. Like falling over the coffee table.


“Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?”
“That depends a good deal on where you want to get to.”
“I don’t much care where –”
“Then it doesn’t matter which way you go.”
― Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland


“I know not all that may be coming, but be it what it will, I’ll go to it laughing.”
― Herman Melville, Moby-Dick or, the Whale


“Keep reading. It’s one of the most marvelous adventures that anyone can have.”
― Lloyd Alexander


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