It’s a royal pain in the wax.

I’m not quite sure how I should feel about the Royals. I mean, being American and all, I don’t really know the British pulse of it, all because, as they say, I have not walked a mile in their sensible shoes.

Don’t get me wrong. It is not that I don’t care about England, and Harry and Meghan, and of course, that good Queen Mum. I care. I do. I subscribe to The Telegraph, and I follow the BBC for world news. And while I’ve read several of the Op-Eds on the subject, I still can’t get a feel for how the “you & me’s” of England are taking it all in.

Clearly, Queen Elizabeth is pissed. Not as mad as the day Donald Trump called her Little Lizzie and walked 10 steps in front of her the whole time. But mad, all the same. Truthfully, I think Queen Elizabeth needs to step back a little bit, and look at the big picture. I mean, her 30 year old grandson wants to leave home. Now, I don’t want to upset any of the grandmothers out there, but by the time those grandkids hit 21, you need to give them a little breathing room. All my grandparents were dead by the time I was 21, so it was not an issue for me.

Also, I completely understand Harry and Meghan’s wish to live their lives outside of the Royal Realm. They want to have the freedoms that come with being normal, every day Joe’s. Good old, ordinary people.

Yeah. Right.

Truthfully, there’s no way in the world they can do such a thing. Not really. First of all, they want it both ways. They want to keep their Royal home of Frogmore Cottage. Two things here. First, in America, we don’t have places called neat-o things like Frogmore Cottage, or York Minster, or Bagshot Park. We should. Secondly, if they are going to break from the Royal Family, they shouldn’t be allowed to keep the Royal House. You see, that’s not really “moving out” if they don’t move out.

They also aren’t quite sure what they are going to do for jobs, or who will provide their security, or who will deal with the press. They want to keep the the titles HRH (His / Her Royal Highness), but not do the work that comes with it. And perhaps rely on the Royal skirts to keep security and press concerns at bay.

Again, from this little American vantage point? Nope. Nope. Nope.

It seems like a big, dysfunctional foul-up to me. And there’s probably a lot we aren’t hearing about.

Normally, the Brits answer for everything is a “nice cup of tea.” Steamroller accidentally crushes your Bentley? Perhaps a nice cup of tea. Lost all your money in a hacking scam? A nice cup of tea, and a biscuit. Not this time.

The only one who got it right so far, in this whole thing, is the good old Wax Museum. Figures of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex have been removed from the Royal family set at Madame Tussauds. As the other wax figures, looked on, of course.

Breaking up is hard to do. It melts my heart in this case. But. They say. If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the wax museum kitchen.



The Royal family set at Madame Tussauds
The Royal family set at Madame Tussauds


“Happiness and the absurd are two sons of the same earth. They are inseparable.”
― Albert Camus


“Almost all absurdity of conduct arises from the imitation of those whom we cannot resemble.”
― Samuel Johnson, The Rambler


“The people heard it, and approved the doctrine, and immediately practiced the contrary.”
― Benjamin Franklin, The Way to Wealth


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