Oh. We can be dense.
In a lot of ways.
But I am talking about the density of the population.
Here in the United States, we are not that dense. You see, according to the United States Census Bureau, America’s population sits around 333 million. This makes the good old USA the third most populated nation on the planet (behind India and China).
But what about our density? Some places in the world are packed like sardines. But curiously, the U.S. ranks 186th in terms of its population density.
Of course, that is because of our land mass. This stark discrepancy exists because of the sheer size of the United States (total area = 3,532,316 square miles).
And that is how density works. So, the one number (population) is divided by the other number (area). And that produces the population density figure.
So, how do our individual states break down according to these guidelines?
Which are the most densely populated?
The Top Ten Most Densely Populated States
State / Density (pop per square mle)
New Jersey 1,263
Rhode Island 1,060
Massachusetts 898
Connecticut 747
Maryland 637
Delaware 530
Florida 421
New York 415
Pennsylvania 290
Ohio 288
The least dense are Alaska, Wyoming, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota.
The chart above did not figure in the District of Columbia. It’s density is 10,984 population per square mile. Far above the rest.
For full results. https://www.statista.com/statistics/183588/population-density-in-the-federal-states-of-the-us/
So there you have it.
As they say, “Reach out and touch someone.” If you can.
To be dense, or not to be dense. That is the question.
“The earth is what we all have in common.” – Wendell Berry
“A nation’s greatness is measured by how it treats its weakest members.” – Mahatma Gandhi
“In the middle of a crowd, a person may feel isolated; in the stillness of solitude, a person may feel connected.” – Virginia Woolf
Just how dense are we?