Just the facts. The ones that don’t matter, really.

We’re human. We all make mistakes. But in this world of incessant information, we tend to mess up the facts at times. As hard as we try, it happens.

Yet. Some things are more important than others. Today, I will look at some information that is often misplaced in accuracy. But as it goes, these are pretty inconsequential in the greater scheme of things.

Like this.
Bulls seeing red. And the notion of that red color making them terribly upset in the bullring.
Well. Here’s the truth. Bulls are colorblind. To them, it doesn’t matter if the matador’s cape is red or any other color. The bull gets all hacked off because some guy in tights is flapping said cape it in his face and poking him with a sword or javelin. Not only that, bulls become aggressive in the arena because before they are let loose, they are neglected, starved, and abused extensively. So. Yes. I’d be angry too. Bullfighting should be illegal. Save the bulls. Buy them a nice red cap to go in between their handsome horns.

Speaking of seeing things. You cannot really see the Great Wall of China from space with the naked eye. I’m not sure who came up with that one, but it wasn’t an astronaut peering out the spaceship window.

Speaking of things we can’t see. I’m a big fan of the Mac. I would use no other. But. Mac computers aren’t “immune” to viruses, and they’re definitely not immune to malware. People often say this, but it isn’t true. Macs are superior to the PC when it comes to safety against these things, but they are not totally immune. Just so you know.

There are a lot of bad things in the big world out there. But what about the vegetable world? Well, as it turns out, carrots are bad for rabbits. The misconception that rabbits love them started with the popularity of the Bugs Bunny cartoons. But rabbits don’t naturally eat root vegetables or fruit. So feeding them carrots, especially in excess, may cause digestive problems or obesity. And then you have to call the veterinarian. What’s up, Doc?

Since we are exploring things to eat, the average Human Being typically does not swallow any spiders in their lifetime, contrary to popular belief of eight spiders per year. It can happen, but not likely. Sweet dreams, my friends.

On the subject of dreams. Do you dream in color? Most people do. I wonder if chameleons do. One thing they are mistaken for is their camouflage. Chameleons change color because of mood, temperature, light, and for communication purposes. Most of the time, it is not for camouflage.

Which reminds me that we are all unique. All of us. From every bull, carrot, bunny, spider, chameleon, and person. There are no two identical us. So what makes you, you? I’ll tell you one thing. You most probably weren’t the fastest sperm cell. When you were just an egg, you had an outer protective layer. Several sperm had to bump up against that egg to wear down the layer before fertilization. So there it is. Honestly, you were probably one of the slowest sperm cells who arrived too late to do any work but still won the lottery of becoming you.

Here is another thing about the process. This is yet another indication that women have the upper hand in life. The egg actually has several chemical barriers that select sperm with certain attractive chemical markers. So the egg actively chooses which packet of DNA makes it to fertilization. Not survival of the fittest. Just the will of the woman.

Let’s all go and be good humans today. Let’s make our eggy mothers and our spermy fathers proud.


“You have no idea how your unique life will impact those around you.”
― Julane Fisher, Sour Lemon Strikes Out


“Within each person is the miracle of a unique consciousness unlike any other in the universe.”
― Bryant McGill, Voice of Reason


“Sometimes we all need a unicorn to believe in. Sometimes we need a unicorn to believe in us.”
― Claudia Bakker


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