Keep on, keeping on.

Well. There she goes.

Tina Turner has left this planet of ours. While she is gone, physically, her music and her spirit live on. And they will, for many years to come.

Goodness, that woman had spirit.

To watch the videos of her performing, anyone can see her life electric. She was filled with an energy unlike any other. She moved it through her voice and her body.

Her life was a hard one. She was married to Ike Turner, a mean, abusive husband. Finally, she found the nerve to leave with only 36 cents in her pocket. She went on to find a new life and a new way.

Her album, Private Dancer, is one of my favorites. I played that more times than I can count. She helped me lose around 40 pounds in one summer, jumping rope to all the songs on that recording.

More than anything, she had verve. Style. Flair. Class.

This world was better, I think, for having been graced with her presence. I, for one, will miss her.

What we do, who we are, stay here when we leave.  So we should do what we do.  And make our way.


“The world is very quiet without you around.”
— Lemony Snicket


“Tonight, I look up, searching for you among the stars.”
— Tilicia Haridat


“Be not afraid of greatness. Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and others have greatness thrust upon them.”
― William Shakespeare, Twelfth Night


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