I sure do love to learn.
These days, the internet makes it easy for anyone to learn about anything. Just about.
Most every day, I watch a video, or read a lesson, that teaches me something new. The things I learn are varied. It could be anything from computer technology, to programming, to Photoshop, and more. Or maybe it is something about Valhalla, the hall in Asgard that is presided over by Odin.
Oh. You know. Anything.
Because learning is good.
Well. Sometimes it is good. Other times, it goes a bit awry, it seems. I just read an article about
“The 18 College Degrees That Aren’t Worth The Debt.”
What a thing that would be. I mean, someone spends four (or many more) years working their little behinds off. They rack up thousands of dollars in student loans. But at the end of the road, they finally get that coveted degree.
But much to their dismay, the job market isn’t quite what they expected. It turns out that some degrees simply don’t translate into the dream career people envision.
Some fields are overcrowded. Or perhaps the jobs themselves don’t even pay enough to cover the student debt.
And some degrees just don’t pan out.
So, here is the list of the 18 that aren’t worth the time or the money.
1. Anthropology
2. Philosophy
3. Fine Arts
4. Religious Studies
5. Culinary Arts
6. Gender Studies
7. Film Studies
8. History
9. Political Science
10. Sociology
11. Foreign Languages
12. Graphic Design
13. Fashion Design
14. Journalism
15. Environmental Studies
16. Physical Education
17. Psychology
18. Marketing
So what are the best, I wondered.
I asked both Bard and ChatGPT.
The answers were similar:
Computer Science/Software Engineering
Engineering (various disciplines)
Data Science/Analytics
Healthcare Administration/Management
Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning
There is the old axiom about doing what you love, and you’ll be happy.
But if doing what you love doesn’t yield enough money to by food and shelter, I can’t image the situation of life would be very happy at all.
So, sometimes, it is a tedious balance to find a way.
I’m just happy I am able to learn things each day because I want to.
That is a huge, incredible gift.
“The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you.” – B.B. King
“Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere.” – Chinese Proverb
“Learning never exhausts the mind.” – Leonardo da Vinci
Learning gone bad. Or not worth a darn.