You say tomato. I say hold on one little minute, fruity.

Welcome to Random Word Vacation
Day Three

Random Word: Vegetable

I eat a lot of them. My favorite, is cauliflower, on most days. But I love them all. I cannot think of a vegetable that I don’t like.

I probably lean away from tomatoes more than anything. But they are fruits, not vegetables. It is all a big mistake, really. Tomatoes are a fruit because they have seeds. But, here is the deal. In the late 1800s, the US Supreme Court ruled that tomatoes should be considered a vegetable. A trade tariff way back then taxed imported vegetables but not imported fruits.

So. As we know, the Supreme Court is filled with humans who often make mistakes. As a Supreme Court body, they ruled that tomatoes were a vegetable, just so they could be taxed like a vegetable when imported into the United States. So when you eat a tomato, it’s botanically a fruit but legally a vegetable.

In the United States, more tomatoes are consumed than any other single fruit or vegetable.

And there it is. You say tomato. I say tomato.
You say vegetable. I say fruit.

And that is what I know, and don’t know, about the word vegetable.



A note about The Random Word Vacation

Yes, a brief break from the daily grind of this blog.
Possibly for the next few days or more, depending on my mental vacation need.
Instead, I am given a random word at
And I will write something about it. The rule is, that I have to use the first word I get from the generator. No excuses. No substitutes.

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