October-ish. Oh. Here it is.

Here it is, October, in the year 2022. How did we come so far, so fact, I wonder.

For me, October is the turning month. It is when I know summer is finally over. I mean, the weather stays relatively warm during September, and things still hold their green summer color. But when October hits, so does the realization that winter is not too far off, even though the autumn equinox kicked off fall just over a week ago. It won’t officially be winter until December 21, as each season gives us roughly 90 days.

But you knew all that. And you probably know that the name for October originates from the Latin word “octō,” which means “eight.” In modern times, of course, we are in the tenth month. But way back when people were naming things, like in the Roman calendar, October was the eighth month of the year. But then old Julius Caesar came around, flipping a new calendar in his hot hands, adding January and February at the front of things. So, Octo-month, the big eight, became number ten.

Also, in my head, February marks the end of winter. Because even though March can be blustery, we know Spring is just down the pike. Here is the thing about October and February. They always end on the same day. So, say in 2022, February ends on a Monday. So will October.

There are a lot of birthdays in October. (Although September has the highest number of births and December has the lowest.) Anyway, my Mom and Grandma were born in October, along with many others. The month has two “birthstones”: the tourmaline and the opal.

People who study crystals, stones, and gems, say all stones have specific “properties” or “qualities” about them. In this case, the tourmalines are believed “to help you stay calm while under pressure, bring peace and tranquility, and defeat negative emotions like jealousy and anger.” Tourmaline sounds good.

The opal, which my Mom loved, is “believed to cure eye infections, strengthen memory, calm nerves, and enhance creativity.” But the opal is unique. It is the only birthstone that isn’t crystalized and can take on many shapes and colors. Two more things. It was Cleopatra’s favorite. And opal deposits have even been discovered on Mars.

While some people study stones, others are astrology experts. Of course, it is the “study of the movements and relative positions of celestial bodies interpreted as having an influence on human affairs and the natural world.” (Webster)

You know. Like this. The moment we are born, the planets, stars, suns, and moons are all lined up in a very specific way, and that configuration is entirely unique for the very minute we come into the world. So there’s that about you. And me.

But in October, two Zodiac signs represent the month. People born between October 1st and 22nd are Libras. Libras are known to be calm and balanced with impeccable taste.

Born between October 23rd and 31st? Scorpio. Scorpios are known to be passionate and magnetic with a strong will.

Finally, October is gearing us up for the cold months ahead by giving us the green light on food to pad us up with insulation. October is the national month for some serious foods. National Pizza Month, National Seafood Month, National Popcorn Month, and National Pork Month. Not to mention all the Halloween candy, pumpkin spice anythings, and good old pumpkin pie with half a can of whipped cream on top.

So here we are. Go, October, Go.


“It looked like the world was covered in a cobbler crust of brown sugar and cinnamon.”
― Sarah Addison Allen, First Frost


“I would rather sit on a pumpkin, and have it all to myself, than be crowded on a velvet cushion.”
― Henry David Thoreau


“Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.”
― Albert Camus


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