Open Sesame. Open me.

All of us, at times, have felt quite sure of ourselves.

Certain. We knew something for sure, beyond a reason of a doubt. But then some new information came along, and it showed us something different.

The question is, were we open to it?

We all go through the process of coming across new information. Heck. We live in the information age. As such, it is easy to become overwhelmed by the constant influx of the particulars. There is a cavalcade of scientific studies, breaking news stories, and even spiritual revelations. These things fill our world, from our TV channels to our in-boxes.

As soon as we have decided we have it all figured out — from how to eat, sleep, or pray — a new study comes along and upends our entire well-researched way of doing things.

Loads of people got extremely mad during COVID, as new information emerged. They accused Dr. Fauci, et al, of lying and conspiring to ruin the American way of life. But that is how science works. And most of life, really. New information is constantly emerging. We learn as we go and we expand. If not, we’d still be reading by candlelight, and performing surgeries without anesthesia.

But when all this new information abounds, we might be tempted to dismiss or ignore it. We feel like we need a stable point of view — our old point of view. However, we should be careful not to shut down. Being open to these things allows us to grow. We should understand, too, that these things are specific to each person. For instance, a study may find that coffee is the magic elixir, the best thing to drink, the cure-all of cure-alls. Yet, perhaps coffee doesn’t make us feel good when we drink it. What works for one person may not work for another.

In the end, only we can decide what information, ideas, and concepts to integrate into our own lives. Remaining open allows us to continually change. It keeps us flexible. It helps us to stay alert and aware of all the possibilities that may be waiting for us. Yes. Openness is essential to our growth and our learning.


“Those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.”
― George Bernard Shaw


“The measure of intelligence is the ability to change.”
― Albert Einstein


“It is a narrow mind which cannot look at a subject from various points of view.”
― George Eliot, Middlemarch


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