The going.
“In perfect stillness lies all motion.”― Rajesh`
“Our story may have any number of endings but its start is a singular choice we make today.”-Faisal Khosa
Try your luck.The luck of the draw.Tough luck.And. Better luck next time. The way of the lottery. Billions of dollars are spent on the lottery each year, right here in the United States. I’ve seen it happen with my own eyes. Americans spend more on the lottery than any other form of entertainment. Even bowling.
Win. Lose. Maybe they are the same thing. Read More »
Elephants are perhaps, my most favorite animals. They seem to be good-hearted creatures. Gentle Giants. There are two types on the planet, African elephants and Asian elephants. But we have more forms of elephants around. We’ll get to that in a moment. Perhaps, more than anything, elephants are good listeners. Well, those ears account for
Who’s who? Hear them. Elephants, that’s who. Read More »
There’s this whole Karma thing that people toss around. Especially on Facebook when someone does something horrible and, in turn, something bad happens to them immediately. Instant karma, they say in their posts. I’m not so sure about the notion of this. Something about karma seems sort of “eye for an eye” -ish. By definition,
Karma good, or not so good. Or not at all? Read More »
Here’s the thing about always listening to quotes. They don’t always fit life as we know it. And more importantly, sometimes they are a complete load of crap. Point in case. Constance Richards once said: “Cousins are friends that will love you forever.” We don’t have to travel very far through history to see this
Kissing cousins? Killing it. Read More »
Some things about the past are a bit obscure. In every single minute on this planet, billions of events are happening simultaneously. As such, it is surprising we know as much as we do. But on this date, January 31, 1871, a blurb from our anal of history tells us that millions of birds flew
The flying. It is overhead, for most. Read More »
And this explains a lot. “I walk around like everything’s fine, but deep down, inside my shoe, my sock is sliding off.” —Anonymous