Ooooo. Magic Day.
Today is National Open the Magic Day. Let’s all Open the Magic. In whatever way, we see fit.It might be opening a connection with a forest faerie.Or, opening a can of Cheesy Pringles. Fly high, my friends.Fly high.
Today is National Open the Magic Day. Let’s all Open the Magic. In whatever way, we see fit.It might be opening a connection with a forest faerie.Or, opening a can of Cheesy Pringles. Fly high, my friends.Fly high.
Perhaps, we need a break from time to time. Your kindness in reading this, day after day, is truly appreciated. But let’s face it. You may be in need of rest from wearing the goggles. A Saturday, and a Sunday, off, perhaps. Enjoy the weekend. Thank goodness for all of you.
The world is full of treasures. I’m talking way beyond fried eggs with grits. Or seeing a nuthatch peck at a tree. Although, I can’t imagine much better. Yet, there are things in this world that many consider priceless, and people have spent their lives in a quest to find these riches. Throughout history, fantastic
Lost treasures in the midst of our treasures. Read More »
Spirit animals. In certain cultures and spiritual systems, there is a belief that we each travel with a little team of spirit guides, which also includes animals. Our invisible pack. So, just what is a spirit animal? They can be seen as a teacher or messenger. And don’t we all need a little teaching from
The spirit in the animal, or so they say. Read More »
This date in history, September 21, shows two completely different sides of America. The one that is for the good of the United States and the one that is against. In 1776, British soldiers arrested Nathan Hale. The young patriot spied on the British for General Washington and the American army. Hale volunteered. His mission
Arnold vs. Hale. Both sides of the struggle. Read More »
A look back in history today shows us something much different than we expect. The excerpt, verbatim: “1519 Spanish expedition led by Portuguese navigator Ferdinand Magellan sets off on the 1st successful circumnavigation of the globe (Magellan killed on route)” First, let’s consider the event itself. On September 20, 1519, a long dang time ago,
Setting sail to success. Or something. It just depends. Read More »
If you love something, if you are truly passionate about that thing, you should go all in. It doesn’t matter what that thing might be. Perhaps it is cross-stitch. Maybe you like working on cars. Raising flowers in a garden. Creating spray paint art. No matter what it is, you should follow your heart and
When your passion pops up. Read More »
Recall. Kroger just announced a recall on kale. It’s about time. Nose flute. The nose flute is a popular musical instrument played in Polynesia and the Pacific Rim countries. There are other versions found in Africa. It is how it sounds. One plays the nose flute with one’s nose. Most nose flute concerts are canceled
Recalled. The more we know, the more we do. Read More »