Wrong way. Or is it?

I used to be more directionally challenged than I am today. I account this to some personal shortcomings or, perhaps, character defects, which occurred for some 30 years of my life. Regardless, those went away, and my sense of direction improved greatly. I can now tell my left from my right with little interference from

Wrong way. Or is it? Read More »

The perfect meeting

This is Lou. And this is Lou’s pile of toys. Every morning, while I’m eating my breakfast, he goes into the bedroom, where his toys are kept in two separate bins. He selects mostly the same toys every day, and one by one, brings them to this spot for the morning meeting. I’m not sure

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Lost in space. Would you?

The billionaires are going to space. The news stories are endless, and frankly, I’m getting a little tired of seeing all the free advertising for Branson’s Virgin Galactica. However, the truth of the matter is, any “Joe” can be an astronaut now. Well, if that Joe has loads of money and connections. But, Branson, Bezos,

Lost in space. Would you? Read More »

Talking to God 101

For those of you who are polygamists, today is the day for you. Yes, it was on this date, July 12, 1843, when the Mormon leader Joseph Smith said God allows polygamy. Now, I always think it is pretty neat when God talks to people directly. Normally, it is the other way around. A lot

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