It is time for another installment of
“Photo of the Day”
Today’s photo comes from the internet somewhere. I’m not even sure how I happened across it or what the actual context was. Maybe nothing at all. Maybe I found it in some “funny photo” bin on the web. Regardless, here it is.
The photo shows many Winnie the Poohs surrounding a police car.
My first clue was that this didn’t happen in the United States. Police is spelled “Policja.”
I used a translate tool and found that the word “policja” is originally in Polish. It is the Polish word for “police.”
Poland. Now, I have nothing against the Polish whatsoever. But I will point out the fact that several years ago, “Polish Jokes” were very popular in our country. That said, I’ll have you know that I love Polish Sausage. And when I shine my shoes, I use polish.
I know that polish and Polish are not the same thing. But polish should be from Poland, if you ask me. For obvious reasons.
Anyway, back to the Polish Poohs. Clearly, there are Poles in these Pooh suits. Not like the North Pole and the South Pole, but people hailing from Poland. Maybe these people take their Pooh lives seriously. Perhaps there is trouble in the Hundred Acre Forest, and they’ve come to town to enlist the help of the police.
Maybe Piglet has gone missing.
Or what if someone stole all of Pooh’s honey?
Perhaps Eeyore finally hauled off and hit somebody.
No matter what the trouble might be, please take note.
All the Poohs are still smiling.
I suppose we could learn a thing or two from that. I believe the world always looks brighter from behind a smile.
“The things that make me different are the things that make me ME.”
— Winnie the Pooh
“If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you.”
— Another Winnie the Pooh
“How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.”
— And yet another Winnie the Pooh
Photo of the Day: Ah, Pooh.