“The things that make me different, are the things that make me, me.”
Piglet said this some time ago. And he couldn’t have put it any better. This is true for all of us. All different in our own good ways.
Of course, the writer, A.A. Milne, was the actual voice behind these quotes. He published the book “Winnie the Pooh” on this date October 14, 1926.
The world was a different place back then, some 95 years ago. I recently had a conversation about this very thing, concerning the state of the world these days, and how terrible things seem to have gotten. Some people purport that we’ve always had trouble throughout history, and this is no different.
But, I think it is much different. And worse. Never before did we have social media, where the dissemination of lies was so incredibly easy. In years past, if you wanted to spread propaganda, you had to print up fliers or stand on a street corner with a megaphone. Your outreach might touch 100 people at best.
Now, the shot truly can be heard around the world in less than a minute. Social media puts it in hyperdrive.
In years past, the planet was not in an environmental crisis. There weren’t 500-year weather events happening every six months. Sure, we were slowly killing the planet back then. But now, we see the fruits of our labor and our carelessness.
And finally, we’ve had pandemics in times gone by, too. Normally, they faded away after a year or two. The current COVID pandemic continues to pick up steam, despite the miracle of the vaccine. We are a globalized planet, with people moving about like never before. And we are a society of numbskulls, or selfish ingrates, who will not take that vaccine. More than 90,000 deaths could have been prevented with the vaccines just since June. ( https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/health/2021/10/13/covid-vaccination-requirement-mandates-fines/8428117002/ )
I contend that we are in a much worse place than ever before. Sure, call me Eeyore. But call me correct.
“Could be worse. Not sure how, but it could be.”
Or perhaps, I am wrong, as Pooh may have suggested.
“When you are a Bear of Very Little Brain, and you Think of Things, you find sometimes that a Thing which seemed very Thingish inside you is quite different when it gets out into the open and has other people looking at it.”
—Winnie the Pooh
I don’t know what the answer is, as some days, it seems almost overwhelming. But I truly believe the distribution of lies and misinformation has been the number one culprit for bringing us into these dire straits.
“Always watch where you are going. Otherwise, you may step on a piece of the Forest that was left out by mistake.”
—Winnie the Pooh
Contacting our legislators as much and as often as possible might be a start on many of these things. We can hope that it is making a difference, though I fear, in many cases, it is falling on deaf ears.
“If the person you are talking to doesn’t appear to be listening, be patient. It may simply be that he has a small piece of fluff in his ear.”
—Winnie the Pooh
Oh, fluff it all.
But then again, I truly believe we should continue to be good people. Kind people. Caring, concerned, aware, and moving toward goodness with our every step. Doing the next right thing, every time.
“A little consideration, a little thought for others, makes all the difference.”
“When you go after honey with a balloon, the great thing is to not let the bees know you’re coming.”
—Winnie the Pooh
“If the string breaks, then we try another piece of string.”
“Owl,” said Rabbit shortly, “You and I have brains. The others have fluff. If there is any thinking to be done in this Forest—and when I say thinking, I mean thinking—you and I must do it.” —The House at Pooh Corner
Pooh on it all? Or Eeyore it?