Pulpit Bling, and then it was gone.

All I have to say is that I hope the parishioners haven’t been dropping any money onto the collection plate.

The story is this, from New York, specifically Brooklyn. Recently, in late July, a “pastor” named Lamor Miller-Whitehead, who goes by Bishop, was preaching his sermon on a Sunday. This preacher-man is a flashy fellow, known for wearing designer outfits and extravagant jewelry.

Well. Right in the middle of his wordy words, three robbers came on the scene and did what robbers do. Lamor Miller-Whitehead was held at gunpoint and forced to give up his jewelry. He and his wife were robbed of more than $1 million at their church called the Leaders of Tomorrow.


I can’t get over this story, really. First, I can’t believe anyone would follow this guy and sit through his sermons on Sunday. I mean, a guy who wears a million dollars worth of jewelry while standing in the pulpit? I wonder what his messages are, from week to week.

He was an easy mark, as he posted his face and his bling all over social media. The smart crooks took one look at “the Bishop” and decided to cash in on the Sabbath.

Yet, this guy is no different than so many other religious organizations, oozing in wealth. From the Catholic Church to the likes of the Church of the Latter Day Saints to the Church of Scientology. All in the name of God.

My only question? Who’s robbing whom?


He is richest who is content with the least, for content is the wealth of nature.
— Socrates


True wealth is not of the pocket, but of the heart and of the mind.
— Kevin Gates


A lie told often enough becomes the truth.
— Vladimir Lenin




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