On Thursday, around 3:18 p.m., or so, I felt an earthquake. I didn’t see anyone else mention it, and the little shimmy only lasted for a few seconds, at best. Lou felt it, at least. He looked at me, like, “What the heck?”
Anyway, the United States Geological Survey reported a 3.8 magnitude earthquake in Indiana, about two miles northeast of Montezuma around 3:15 p.m. Thursday’s quake matched a 3.8 temblor that jolted the central part of Indiana in 2010.
Regardless, I felt it here.
People in Indiana, from Terre Haute to Muncie, reported feeling the ground beneath them shake on the USGS’ “Did You Feel It?” website. ( https://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/eventpage/nm60344372/map?dyfi-responses-10km=true&shakemap-intensity=false ) People in parts of Illinois, including Chicago, southern Michigan, and western Ohio, also reported feeling the quake.
I was one.
There was no damage anywhere. And while the little rumble here felt pretty cool, it also reminded me of the power of forces greater than any of us. And they are everywhere.
One of those forces has been nudging me to take a little break, as my daily writing here had become stale and flat. Maybe the quake shook me awake.
So, to prevent further bungling, I shall see you once again, on the same fault line. Just perchance, a little further along in time.
“I don’t know where I’m going, but I’m on my way.”
― Carl Sandburg
“You will do foolish things, but do them with enthusiasm.”
― Colette
“Sell your cleverness and buy bewilderment.”
― Rumi
Quaking. Shaking. It rumbled me.