The randoms. Outwardly figuring freezes.

Three good words on this random word day.


Here we all are, I suppose. All of us are overt in our own ways. It means that something is done or shown openly. Something is plainly or readily apparent and not secret or hidden.

Here is one overt thing I’ve never cared for. Slobbery, deep-throated, groping displays of public affection. Overtly, they are. Whenever I see two people engaged in an act of passion or lust, I just want to tell them to go get a room. It is one of my biggest pet peevers and, at this moment, my best example of overt.

I don’t mind a peck on the cheek, a hug, or the squeeze of a hand. But the all-out, free-for-all, dragged-out convergence of two bodies for God and everyone else to see? If you are one of these people, I will tell you. None of us care to see this. Get a room.

This always brings to mind my very first calculator. I can’t remember how old I was or for which math class. But a calculator was one of the things on the “required list” of class items. My mom usually took us shopping on the rare occasions we even went shopping. But in this case, she said that my dad would be taking me. We went to Elder-Beerman’s on Siebenthaler and Philadelphia. They kept their calculators in a glass display case with a person working behind the counter. I don’t remember much about the conversation my dad had with this person, but he narrowed my selection down to three. I chose the bright orange one. This was all telling of my upcoming math career, I think. On the way home in the car, I showed my dad all the neat characters I could make by turning the display upside down. Again, some deep foreshadowing there.

I’m always chilly. Do I need to say more? It could be 95 degrees outside, and I’m perfectly comfortable to be sitting there in that good temperature. But. Get me anywhere near air conditioning, and I feel like Mr. Freeze from Batman. I turn bluish. My hands. My nose. My hair. I’m chilly. It might be what my middle initial “C” stands for. Polly Chilly Kronenberger

Go forth and be well. And be a good human today, hot or cold. Mathematician or not. Overtly, or in a quite way.

But be a good one.


“Nothing burns like the cold.”
― George R.R. Martin, A Game of Thrones


“A lot of people like snow. I find it to be an unnecessary freezing of water.”
― Carl Reiner


“I can calculate everything but not the number of moments in a second.”
― Khalid Masood




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