Random Word Day.
You know how it goes. I use the “random word” machine, and I have to write about the first thing it pops out. It’s beyond my control. Somebody pull the lever.
Three random words.
In order:
When I think of hanging, the first thing that comes to mind is the dark part of our history, when white people hung black people from trees every chance they got. For no good reason. Ever. A sad and horrible truth.
An item to note. Hanging has been practiced legally in the United States of America since white people stepped on this land’s soil. And, up until 1972, it continued. But then the United States Supreme Court found capital punishment to be in violation of the Eighth Amendment to the United States Constitution.
But, flippy floppy they went. Four years later, that same court overturned its previous ruling. By 1976, capital punishment had found its way back to the legal side of things in the United States.
Remarkably, as of 2021, three states had laws that specified hanging as an available secondary method of execution. Unbelievable, to me.
On a brighter note, salty is a big part of my life. I eat more salt than a person ought to. Thankfully my blood pressure is low, as are my sodium levels. I love the salty flavor through and through. If you’ve never salted a good piece of bread, you have missed out on one of life’s little treasures.
Of course, salty can mean another thing. When someone gets “salty,” they might feel resentful, aggressive, or even angry. “She was salty because I beat her in three games of Yahtzee.” Yeah.
Given a choice, I like the salty of soft pretzels and the like.
If you need a big bovine, take a look at the yak. It is a large domesticated wild ox with shaggy hair. Yaks weigh up to 1400 pounds. They have those big humped shoulders and large horns. Yaks are Zen, I’ll tell you. They live primarily in Tibet.
Or then there is the chatty yak. Yakety Yak. Don’t come back.
Wait, wait. Do come back. Next blog time, next blog channel.
I’ll have some random words of my own.
“Not how long, but how well you have lived is the main thing.” — Seneca
“If life were predictable it would cease to be life, and be without flavor.” – Eleanor Roosevelt
“Every moment is a fresh beginning.” —T.S. Eliot
Words just came up. The giant, magic, word machine.