Right smack dab in the middle of this. And that.


Apparently, NIKE has some explaining to do. But all of that aside, I read a quote this morning, by Amelia Earhart, in which she said:

“The most effective way to do it, is to do it.”

Well, when you stop and think about it, this didn’t have such a great outcome for old Amelia. But I’ve long had an opinion about the adventurous types, who freeze to death on Everest, have to cut their own arms off in the desert to free themselves from boulders, slide down and are buried in the avalanches, of get bit in two by sharks. My not-so-original quote:

“There’s no place like home.”

Of course, now, we are finding out just how true, and necessary, this one is.

But even with that said, I’ll cite one more quote, from my Dad, and so many others throughout history.

“Everything in moderation.”

Yes, I think that is the point in our lives. The middle of the road, the even keel, the steady stream. When we keep ourselves on solid ground, we are harder to knock over, and less apt to fall down.

But, how about those people who say, “Well, sometimes, you have to risk it all.”
Which always makes me stop and think, “Do you really?”

I guess maybe I don’t understand, because I don’t have any experience in risking it all. I can’t think of one circumstance in my entire life when I’ve risked it all. Have I been brave in my life? Yes. Did it involve risking it all? Heck no.

So I can’t speak from experience. I do know, from past trials and tribulations, that standing on steady ground is better, for me, then going to extremes.

We can’t all be movie stars, super-athletes, world leaders, power-knitters. I’ll tell you, there are a lot more auto mechanics than NBA players. But here’s the key in that. Are some auto mechanics better than others? As sure as I’m sitting here, there are. And that is where “slow and steady wins the race” proves true, once again.

Believe me, I’m not asking for conformity either. Just sensibility. In all things. There are times when our paths take us far and away from other thinking. But we must keep our heads, our measure.

We are seeing now, just how small, and how large, this world is. At the very same time. Our every action, as we see, affects all others. That ripple.

Here’s another quote, from a nifty write of yore, Aesop.
“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.”

So whether you are stirring your coffee, and giving thoughts of goodness and peace to someone. Or if you are handing out food at the hungry kitchen. That act of kindness makes its beautiful way into our world. Thank you for that.
Thanks for being kind, being beautiful. Right where we are, in the middle of things.


Believe you can and you’re halfway there.
— Theodore Roosevelt


If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away.
— Henry David Thoreau


In a gentle way, you can shake the world.
— Mahatma Gandhi


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