Sehen. That’s right. Sehen.

The word for “look” in German is “sehen.”   And for “see.” 

When you pronounce “sehen,” it sounds a bit like “sane.”
Yes. “Look and See” in German sounds like sane.

The other thing I like about the word “look” in German is that it looks like seven.
Sehen. Seven (my favorite number).

It is a great parallel for an important question in life.
Is it important for us to look and see?

In my little opinion, it is one of the biggest things that matters.
It is when we look and see that we are able to learn. When we are of sound mind, when we act with sanity and dignity, we approach the world with a curiosity to learn.

To learn about the world around us.
To learn about ourselves.
We look. We see.

It is all about these perfect connections for me.

Many people may not think of such a thing. But that is the beauty of it.  We all think in different ways. Our brains and how they work differently.

If only we look. And see.


“Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others.” — Jonathan Swift


“The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision.” — Helen Keller


“What we see depends mainly on what we look for.” — John Lubbock


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