There are all sorts of self-help guides out there. In all shapes and sizes, from exercise routines to diet plans to spiritual guides. I mostly don’t pay attention to the first two, although I do take a look at the things the experts say are “healthy” things to eat. But the third item, spiritual guidance, is something I tend to acclimate to.
I suppose the reason for this is because I’m always looking for reason. I’m not sure I know my true purpose in life. I’m not sure I am truly fulfilled spiritually. Most days, I am happily content with life, but I am always seeking ways to give full health to my soul.
Too much information. But what I was trying to get around to is that I have come across a lot of articles on things that we humans can do for our mental, emotional, and spiritual health. And most I’ve heard in some form, one way or the other, before. But the other day, I read this suggestion.
“We should send love ahead of our day.”
Just what does that mean? Well, upon waking, we can do a lot of things. Sometimes, we face the day in a grog. On other days, we might feel trepidation or worry. But when we do this, we are giving off energy along those same lines: dread, or anxiety, tension, or, even indifference. And sending this energy out before us may affect the quality of our day.
Instead, we can attract good things with our thoughts and energy. We can bring forth joy and wonder by starting each day with a message of love. When we send love ahead to our days, that love will manifest itself in our personal interactions, our endeavors, and our everyday duties, or comings and goings.
Tasks and circumstances are transformed by our energy of goodness and love, and we will find ourselves approaching life with great affection.
They say in the article that we should do this:
“Each morning, take several deep, grounding breaths and reaffirm the love you have for yourself. Speaking a loving, self-directed blessing aloud enables you to access and awaken the reservoir of tenderness in your soul. Before you leave your bed, be sure to tell the universe that you are eager and ready to receive the blessings it has set aside for you. Then, as you prepare to meet the day, visualize yourself first saturated by and then surrounded with a warm and soft, loving light. Gradually widen the circle of this light until you are able to send it ahead into your future.”
We can widen this practice and imagine that light and love touching all parts of our day. Sending love ahead to everyone we will meet and everything we will do can help to ensure that our day will be enriched with grace.
To me, this sounds like a strong practice.
Now, if I can only remember to do this when my eyes open and I struggle to make sense of the clock.
“Let all that you do be done in love.” – 1 Corinthians 16:14
“Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them, humanity cannot survive.” – Dalai Lama
“Love is the bridge between you and everything.” – Rumi
Sending love ahead. It’s good.