Something for everyone, if awkward is not your thing.

It is one of those National Day’s again. We can’t get out in the streets and celebrate them all together, as the United States is on virtual lockdown. Not that I am one for whooping it up with a bunch of people anyway. The Creed of the Introvert. The Oath of Not Quite Fitting In.

Which is why THIS “National Day” is so near and dear to my heart. Today is Nation Awkward Moments Day. I’m telling you, this is like the equivalent of the 4th of July for Americans, those Awkward Moments for Introverts.

Oh, I understand we all have them. That phrase has become entirely worn out, in my estimation. That, when someone says, “Awwwwkward.” Regardless, the phenomenon happens with all of us, feeling those unfortunate moments. Always the notion of not quite fitting in. At least, not in that minute.

Take this for instance. Despite the presence of my introversion, I am an affectionate person. I like to give hugs when I see or meet people. A smile, a hug. This past Saturday night we were meeting friends for dinner at a favorite restaurant in West Carrollton. We are fond of the owners and I think they like us. When we met there, the health officials had warned us to keep our distance from people, no handshakes, no contact. This would include, no hugging. We stood there, not knowing what to do. Not us, not our friends, and not the owners. We ended up joking about it slightly, elbow bumping. But after the meal, we all hugged when we said goodbye. As an item of note, the restaurant is normally packed on a Saturday night. When we were there during prime dining hour, there were only two other tables. The eve of the shutdown.

But back to the holiday, today.

If I am set to go to a social event, I begin having the “awkward moments” hours, sometimes days, before going. I can see the conversations playing out in my mind. Me with nothing to say. The long lulls in the dialogue. The chasms of silence, staring at the person across from me. You see, I’m not that interesting. Not adventurous. I spend a good deal of my time writing, or doing IT tasks for people, or taking care of our home. It’s all somewhat solitary.

I have National Awkward Moments Day every time I’m with others. It is not that I don’t like people. On the contrary, I think people are amazing, wonderful, creative, cool, beautiful, clever, smart, loving, kind. At least, the ones I know are that way.

Mostly in these situations, I ask others a lot of questions. But by the end of the conversation, I feel a bit like Barbara Walters, and I also worry the other person may feel like they’ve just been interrogated. Then I worry about the whole thing, all the way home.

At any rate, this day is right up my alley.
If it isn’t for you, have no fear. You will find something this March 18th, as it is ALL of these:

(For the socially impaired)
(Small Business Development Centers)
(For those who have made tremendous sacrifices for the sake and the good of others. Thank you, to them.)
(Hails out Cuba, 1930s. Yum.)
(Lacy oatmeal cookies are wafer-thin and typically accompany a scoop of ice cream or sorbet.)
(A day of activism that empowers youth to stand out, speak up and seize control against Big Tobacco. Kick the Butt, I get it now.)
(This is also Rudolf Diesel’s Birthday, as an item of note.)

So. One of these. Just pick.

If nothing else, it serves as a reminder. Just look at all the National Days happening on this one little day. Such diversity, a wide assortment of interests, from all across the globe. Yes, this is another thing telling us that we live in a world of people who have wildly different ideas, and interests, about everything. We tend to huddle together with those who share common interests. Nothing wrong with this. If you like to jump out of planes, do it with the others who like to nose dive too.
It is okay to be in groups and societies. Just so long as we don’t belittle others who have different likes, hopes, interests, goals, beliefs. We can have days to celebrate our likes, as well as the interests of others. None better or worse. Just different.

Be happy for the biodiesel. The lacy oatmeal. It all fits in just fine.


“Our ability to reach unity in diversity will be the beauty and the test of our civilization.”
― Mahatma Gandhi

“Different roads sometimes lead to the same castle.”
― George R.R. Martin, A Game of Thrones


“All the diversity, all the charm, and all the beauty of life are made up of light and shade.”
― Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina


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