Take my advice. Don’t take advice.

We are online.

It has changed our lives. Everywhere we turn now, someone is either telling us what happened, telling us what they think will happen, or telling us what we should do.

The last one is of my concern today.
Everywhere, there is some sort of article with “tips” for doing something better, or things we should be eating, or ways to make us shinier, brighter, better people. Everywhere there is a hack. Or advice. A rating. A list.

The other day, I came across an article entitled “14 Things You Should Never Buy at the Drugstore.” As it just so happened, I had to go to the drugstore that morning, so I decided to read the piece. Heavens. I didn’t want to fall into any traps while I was there.

So, I eagerly started reading. Essentially, it listed these things. I’ll give all 14.

Prescription Drugs
Vitamins and Supplements
Toilet Paper
Beach Chairs
Frozen Foods
Shampoo and Conditioner
Gift Cards
Greeting Cards
Cleaning Products

As I read the list, I laughed out loud.
The article was titled entirely wrong. It should have said, “Don’t shop at drug stores, period.”

I mean, looking at the list, there’s not much else to buy there at your local drugstore, especially since you shouldn’t purchase any meds.
Let’s see.
Leftover Halloween candy?
Leftover Valentine’s candy?
Uhhhhnn. Poster board and colored markers?

I think that about covers it.

The reason given in the article for not buying most of these items was cost. You can find them cheaper elsewhere.
I get it. But that can be said of most places. I mean, there is always someplace cheaper to buy a certain item.

My point to all of this is, everybody on the internet is telling us what to do. Everybody is doling out advice. And some of it is not very sound. In fact, much of it is a load of crap. So, I am going to join in with the litany of those same dolers.

But I’m simply going to give you three little words.

Grain of salt.


“The best advice comes from people who don’t give advice.” – Anonymous


“Advice is what we ask for when we already know the answer but wish we didn’t.” – Erica Jong


“Don’t be afraid to ask for advice, but don’t be afraid to ignore it either.” – Anonymous


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